“We love you so much,” Arsenio adds.

Desmond and Enzo keep close, and Desmond strokes his fingers over my cheek. “Here’s to our future.”

Enzo squares his shoulders, overlooking the room with the cheering crowd. “Long may we reign.”

“Long may we reign,” I repeat, inhaling the scent of perfection and eternal love. “Long may we love, laugh, and grow.”

Chapter twenty-nine


Epilogue - Gilded Sands Forever

“He’sbeautiful.Ican’tbelieve he’s ours. Look at those little fingers and toes.” Desmond strokes his fingers over the dark hair of our son, resting on my bare chest as I cuddle him close.

“Look at that pouty mouth like his mom. He’s trying to find her nipple like me.” Enzo chuckles, guiding his fingers over our baby boy’s cheek, carefully helping me latch him on.

“Don’t look so jealous of Landon.” Wilder rubs his fingers through Enzo’s hair. “Maybe she’ll let you taste next.”

I laugh in exasperation. “Wilder!”

“The only one eating next apart from our handsome boy will be Kinsey. Do you want sweet or savory, sugar? You have to be starving.” Arsenio stands in the kitchen of my suite, pulling a bunch of things out of the cupboard. “You need your energy.”

“Both. I want you guys to take turns feeding me.” I smile with my words, leaning back against the fluffy pillows surrounding me. It’s only been a day since I gave birth, but I’m so madly in love with this precious little boy in my arms and the men who care for me.

“You got it.” Arsenio smiles at me, his happiness palpable even from here in my nest with everything I love. “Anything for you.”

I inhale a breath of the powdery yet citrusy scent of our boy, imagining the amazing life we have paved before him. I never knew that I could already love someone before I met them, but this just proves it. My love is powerful and everlasting. And the love I have for my pack will never end. It will keep growing and growing each passing day.

“He’s right. Absolutely anything. You deserve it. I’ll take care of everything you need. You’ll never change a fucking diaper. You’ll always get as much sleep as you need. I’m already a champ at getting him to latch. We got this, baby.” Enzo kisses my forehead. “Isn’t that right, brothers?”

Desmond chuckles. “Right.”

“Whatever gets you to bring at least ten more into our family. I never thought I could love like this. You have changed my life. I’ll never take it for granted. I’ve never been so happy.” Wilder rests beside me, kissing my other cheek.

I laugh and shake my head. “Ten?”

“At least for me. I think Enzo wants twelve.” Wilder flicks his brother, the two of them laughing.

“Whatever keeps me buried between her legs forever.” He laughs again, his melodious voice filling me up.

“I love you and your ridiculousness. How about we enjoy this moment first?” I kiss our son’s head. “Because I can’t get enough of him. He’s so perfect.”

“He is, isn’t he?” Desmond asks, the warmth of his words like a comforting blanket. “He is his mother’s son, after all. He will do great things.”

“We all will,” I say, letting their scents wash over me in a cloud of joy and adoration. Of unending devotion and loyalty. I snuggle Landon close. “You’re going to love our pack as much as we love you, son.”

Wilder squeezes my hand. “We promise.”

It’s a promise we will always keep. A promise for our future, our territory, and mostly, a promise to us. Our pack will thrive.

~The End~