Arsehole: Has she asked?

Big Brother: She hasn’t brought it up with me, but I’m not sure she will. She’s nervous but doesn’t want to mention it because of everything else.

Baby Bro: I’m going to die if I don’t find out soon.

Holls: Do you need me to bring it up again? She thought it was too early last time. I don’t mind.

Arsehole: Maybe we should meet as a pack. Give it to her as a present.

Holls: Pregnancy tests are not gifts. But you guys better fucking have something planned either way.

Baby Bro: Des? Are you reading this? You’re ignoring us. What gives? Is she trying to grab your phone?

Big Bro: Careful what you say. You know she’ll be a brat if you call her out.

As if Kinsey knows we have a private group chat going on without her, she narrows her eyes at me, stretching to try to look at my phone. “Your phone’s blowing up. What are you guys talking about? You know I don’t like surprises. Show me.”

I smirk and hand over the phone, amused by my siblings. It’s driving them crazy that they don’t know whether or not Kinsey is pregnant. Kinsey and I have talked about it, and she just wanted to get everything else done before focusing on herself. She thought it was important to remain clearheaded as we adjusted during the transition of power. I agreed with her. I’ve been ignoring my brothers’ complaints and anxiousness.

Kinsey releases a breathless laugh. “I feel like they’re going to team up and tickle me until I pee myself to test.”

I bellow a laugh, her comment playful yet serious. It’s one of the things I could see one of them fucking doing. They’re just that crazily excited.

But I also think it stresses Kinsey out.

“I’d never let them. They need to learn patience.” I brush my fingers through her hair, moving the strands.

“I’m just nervous, is all. What if...?” She lets her voice trail off, her expression darkening. She doesn’t say anything as her eyes gloss over with her thoughts.

“We’ll get through anything regardless. I know that this is a huge, life-changing situation, Kinsey. I know that you want nothing more than for everything to go as you hope. But don’t put too much stress on yourself. We’ve been through so much already. Why don’t we take it one step at a time?” I offer her a soft smile, grasping her chin to kiss me again.

“Will you help me? I don’t want everyone to wait with us. I’m afraid to see their reactions if it doesn’t go how they expect.” Kinsey chews her bottom lip, dragging it across her teeth. “Is that selfish of me to want? Just me and you?”

“Nothing you choose is selfish because it is your decision. They will be there to support you no matter what. And if anything, they’ll be more determined than ever. You’ll never leave the bed. Maybe the shower. The kitchen when you get hungry. But maybe you can sneak away with me, and we can have a little extra fun. Let you burn off some steam by taking control. Putting my ass in place like you like. Like I crave.” I hum under my breath, imagining all the passion in store for us. The intimate moment of me bowing before Kinsey as she claims me sends my muscles rippling as my cock hardens, my ass clenching at the thought.

Her grimace melts away, and she nuzzles her nose to mine. “I love that your ass is mine. It’s so hot seeing how much you enjoy me pinning you down and having my way. Taking my cock.” Her cheeks flush with her words, her desire emanating in the air between us.

“Keep talking to me like that, and my brothers will have to wait another couple of weeks. Because I’m about to lock us away. Just you and me.” I growl and squeeze her thigh, dragging her a bit closer to feel how hard I am. “Or maybe...that can be a reward. Be my brave girl, and let’s find out what’s in store for us, and you can fuck me how you desire. I might even have a new toy for you.”

Kinsey’s eyes widen as she squirms on me, turned on by the idea. Dipping her chin, she bobs her head, my bribery working.

“I want you so badly.” Her voice turns husky. “You make me feel the most powerful. So in control. I can face anything. I think I’m ready now.”

“Of course, you are. We’re ready for anything.” I kiss her and scoop her up in my arms. “Now come on. You’re going to make me the happiest beta in the world.”


Kinsey sits on the counter, closing her eyes, refusing to look as the seconds pass after she has taken the pregnancy test. I don’t look at it either, watching her and waiting for the timer to go off.

“Take a breath, Kinsey.” I squeeze her knee, getting her to peek at me through her lashes.

She inhales and exhales. “The anticipation is killing me. I had no idea how badly I really wanted to be a mom until this moment. I want to give our children a better life.”

I rest my hand on top of hers. “And we will.”

I sneak a peek at the pregnancy test before the timer goes off, my curiosity getting the best of me. The digital screen flashes with the wordpregnant, and I feel as if my soul abandons my body for a split second, screaming a prayer of thanks to the universe.

“We definitely will. Look.” I hold the pregnancy test up in front of her, giving her a little shake. “Open your eyes.”