Beckett raises his hands in surrender, stepping back until he’s twenty feet away. Smart man. “My apologies. I wasn’t thinking.”

“Neither was I,” Wilder says, scrubbing the back of his neck, inhaling a deep breath as he recognizes Kinsey’s pheromones calling to us, even in her sleep.

“Obviously. I don’t want her alone for long. She’ll wake up if she realizes I’m not there.” I lean back, peeking into her room. At least she didn’t hear me nearly attack Beckett for intruding.

Wilder puffs out a breath. I’m nearly certain he’s trying his best to hold it. His muscles ripple, his innate need to be with Kinsey trying to steal control. “I just wanted to update you. Our spies sent images of Jarvis calling back his army. Desmond and Arsenio went to Mount Gold to track the tunnel. Our bastard father also wasn’t an idiot because it works both ways. We found the skeleton key for Jarvis’s castle. Though if my plan works, we won’t need it.” Again, he releases a sharp breath, shaking his head.

I throw my hands up in annoyance. “Spit it out, brother.”

“They tried to beat us by gassing our people. But it also gave us a chance to fight back. We’re going to take a lesson from Father. Instead of invading with force, we’re going to drug their water supply.” Wilder thins his lips, meeting my eyes.

The brilliant bastard.

He had mentioned Dad taught him something. I just hadn’t realized it was pulling the shit he did to us on an entire fucking territory. To be able to do something like that, we’ll have to make a deal with...I never expected Kinsey’s use of suppressants would eventually lead us to this moment.

The fuckers of the Pack Regimes are going down. We can safely dismantle their infrastructure without complete annihilation.

A cocky-ass grin stretches across my face, and I swing my arm around Wilder, scrubbing my knuckles through his hair. He grunts and socks me in the gut. I wheeze with laughter, my mood shifting from annoyance to joy.

“Fuck yeah! What’s the price? I know Donahue won’t give us the product out of the goodness of his heart.” I smack my hands together.

“A lot of fucking money, access through every territory, and an agreement for him to be the sole distributor of all pheromone and hormonal narcotics. He recognizes the fact that business will be booming with the changes.” Wilder scratches his cheek, keeping his eyes trained at Kinsey’s bedroom. “We’re not covering the sole cost. We’ll pay the debt with the assets we acquire from our takeovers.”

“It’s the one thing all of the best packs I have agreed on. We’re not going to end up fighting over wealth. Everything that we take will go toward our people.” Beckett speaks up from down the hall. “There will also be a vote for who takes the fallen territories with the agreement of rebuilding with alliances in mind. We can’t have other regions think ours is growing weak.”

Because word probably has already spread. This would’ve been the first civil war we’ve had in over a century. That’s how long the current bloodlines have been in power, including ours.

“What about Platinum Shores? Is Desmond still taking it?” I can’t help asking. A part of me still clings to my jealousy.

“Actually, he has declined to take it. The last week has really gotten to him. He doesn’t want to be away from our territory. This is home.” Wilder shrugs her shoulders. “What about you? Do you want it?”

“What about Arsenio?” He would be the one expecting to take it since Desmond doesn’t want it any longer.

“He doesn’t want to either,” Wilder says, resting his hand on my shoulder. “You don’t have to make the decision now but—”

Kinsey whimpers from the room, her voice crying out. I whip my attention toward her nest, watching as the blanket shifts.

It’s in this moment that I realize I don’t fucking want Platinum Shores. I don’t need Platinum Shores. Everything I could ever want in the world is in that small fort.

“My answer is no. I’ve changed my mind. There’s no fucking way I’ll ever be more than down the hall from Kinsey. Hell, you might have to deal with all of us sharing a room.” I try to move past him, but he blocks me, slowing me down so I can’t get to her as she makes her way out of her nest.

“If you’re sure, I’ll make it official. We’ll give Platinum Shores to Holly, and she can share it with the pack she desires most.” Wilder looks down the hallway at Beckett, his face expressionless.

It was already unheard of to declare a beta as a leader. But to give an entire territory to an omega? Holy shit.

“You do that. Good luck. I’m going back into this comfy little nest to cuddle with our girl. You better fucking hurry up. You might only have hours. I’m going to need backup. It’s going to be intense as fuck because of how long she’s put it off.” I leave my brother in the hallway, striding back to Kinsey as she whimpers again. I scoop her into my arms, and she groans and buries her face in my chest, shifting onto me.

The world could be burning outside of these haphazardly hung sheets, and I wouldn’t notice now. This is what I’ve been waiting for my entire life. The girl of my dreams hugs me, seeking comfort from me in a moment that will be one we’ll never forget. Because we’ll truly bond.

She will bless me as a wife and with the family of my dreams.

I’ll stop at nothing to make it happen.

Chapter twenty-one


Platinum Shores