He came back? Fuck me. I know who it is immediately. If Rommel was in our territory before the lockdown, he could’ve been hiding out. He probably took advantage of the fact that we took our best soldiers and headed out, more concerned about our palace.

This room doesn’t have any secret passageways, so he had to have come from the balcony. I race forward to the open door and peer into the night. That’s when I see the omega crawling on her hands and knees in the grass below. She must’ve put up a fight because blood covers the tips of her fingers as if she scratched him.

I swing my leg over the balcony and ease my way to the ledge, lowering myself enough until I can jump without hurting myself.

I land in a crouch and hop up, spinning around to check my surroundings. The last thing I need is for Rommel to come charging at me with a weapon.

“He ran that way.” The Omega points toward the garden leading to a path that winds through the property. Looming walls surround the place, and it would be nearly impossible for anyone to climb. He might head toward the garage to try and steal one of the vehicles.

I pull out my phone and quickly tap my fingers across the screen.

Me: Rommel’s heading toward the garage. He abandoned the omega.

Baby Brother: Heading there now.

Boss Brother: Check surveillance. We need to see how he got in.

Desmeister: On it.

A branch cracks from the wisteria trees framing a lattice tunnel, and the brunette omega screams out again.

Rommel comes from the shadows, raising his hands in the air in surrender. He gets to his knees before me, bowing his head.

“Don’t kill me. You need me. There’s a flaw in your security, and I can help you. That’s why I came. I wanted to demonstrate it for myself.” Rommel peeks up at me, remaining expressionless. “If I had really wanted the omega, I would have stolen her.”

It takes everything in me not to pull out my gun and shoot him right now. I’d have every right to do so. The only reason I hesitate is because his words get to me. He’s right. If he managed to get within the walls of a fortress, there is a flaw in our security.

I aim my knife at his neck, tapping it to his chin. “How did you get in?”

“It was pretty simple, actually.” He smirks with his words.

I tap the knife harder on him. “Tell me how the fuck you got in here, or I will kill you!” I lose my cool and yell at him. Lifting my boot, I kick him in the chest and knock him flat on his back. I tower over him and stomp my boot into his stomach, winding him. I won’t play these games. Not with the safety of my pack at stake.

“Your father entrusted special access to his allies. I overheard Jarvis talking with his pack, planning an invasion.” Rommel remains frozen on the ground, his words spinning through my head. “Apparently, he expected you to betray him. Jarvis knew it was coming, and he was planning to take advantage of it, betraying your father just as you had.”

Fury ignites inside me, and I reach down and grab Rommel by the front of his shirt, hoisting him off the ground. I spin him and restrain him to my chest, sliding my arm around his neck to put him into a chokehold.

“What do you want? You came here to prove a point for a reason. Tell me what it is you want and what we get for it.” I growl with my anger, squeezing his neck tighter, feeling his body start to struggle.

“Power. A seat on the leadership. I want what every alpha wants. His own little omega.” Rommel tries to smash his head against my chin, but I move out of the way.

Wilder shouts from the back entrance of the fortress, shining a flashlight over the grounds to find me.

“Give me those things, and I will give you Jarvis’s plan. You’ll fail otherwise,” Rommel continues.

I scowl and ignore him, tightening my arm until I cut off his airway completely. He silently struggles, unable to resist the oncoming slumber with my chokehold. His body slumps, and I drop his deadweight to the ground.

Wilder runs up to me, keeping a foot of distance with one look at my furious expression. He glances at Rommel and shines his light over him. “You didn’t kill him.”

“He has answers we need. Our bastard father betrayed our pack, giving access to Jarvis. We need him to prepare.” I inhale through my nose, breathing in deep breaths, catching a hint of the wisteria flowers.

“What does he want for it?” Wilder asks.

“Nothing he’ll get.” I kick Rommel again, flipping him onto his back. I don’t respond to Wilder and grab Rommel’s unconscious body, sliding my hand to the back of the neck, holding his head up to see his face. “You hear that, fucker?” I ask, knowing he can’t in this state, but I can’t help threatening him. “You’ll never get fucking anything from us. We’ll get what we need from you, and then I’m taking your fucking head. Do you understand, asshole? No one messes with Gilded Sands.”

The only way this will end is with him going down. Our mercy is over. We’ll take no prisoners.

Wilder helps me restrain Rommel, and the two of us lift him up and carry him toward the fortress. Kinsey stands between Desmond and Enzo, waiting for answers. I hand Rommel to Enzo, so I can have a moment with Kinsey.