Wilder wipes his sweaty forehead on his sleeve. “Call your soldiers to duty and be ready. Standby until my call. It’s time for change and new power.”

“Here, here,” Cameron says. “I’ve been waiting to finally put those old bastards to rest.”

Enzo cracks his neck, kicking one of the Demon Knights’ pack mates out of the way. “Here-fucking-here.”


“The territory is on temporary lockdown. No one comes in or out. All packs have an hour to return, or they won’t be able to cross our border until after our official meeting and declaration to the regional leaders of the power switch.” Wilder sits at the head of the dining table with the leaders of the packs within our territory.

“I’ll verify with the logs and send out the proper alerts,” I say, standing at the table, my body too anxious to sit still, especially knowing Kinsey is only down the hall, dealing with stuff that should be our business, but ensuring our territory is safe is what’s important.

Beckett shifts in his seat on Wilder’s right side. “I can handle the task.”

“Why don’t you go check on Desmond and see if he needs any help?” Wilder leans his elbows on the table. “We’ll text you with anything we need.”

Enzo groans and leans back in his chair, clearly wanting to be excused. It’s what our father would have done. In these circumstances, I’m thankful for my years of practiced self-control in every aspect of my life. With the arrivals of all the omegas and Kinsey being within their reach, it messes with our minds. I can hide the fact that I’d prefer no other scent mingles with hers. Enzo, on the other hand? He’d make his displeasure clear by scenting every inch of her body, declaring her as his.

I hide my smirk until I turn my back on the emergency territory meeting and stride down the familiar wing leading to the guest suites of the Gilded Sands’ fortress.

Stopping at the small table of supplies outside of what we’ve deemed the omega suite, I wipe down my hands and spray cologne on my neck, wrists, and pelvis for good measure. It won’t disguise my pheromones completely, but it will dull it enough that I shouldn’t fuck with the omegas senses as long as I keep my distance.

I knock on the door before cracking it open when Kinsey shouts to come in. A collection of different fragrances assaults me, clouding the room, and I meet Kinsey’s gaze for a second.

This shit isn’t happening.

So much for my control.

Not being able to smell Kinsey immediately annoys the shit out of me, and there’s no fucking way I’m letting anyone see as much. I quickly grab the door and slam it shut, striding away like a fucking alpha who just got his balls electrocuted. How have I managed before? I’ve been to omega clubs like the Vixen Lounge. That never bothered me like it does now.

“Arsenio, wait up,” Kinsey calls from behind me, her bare feet thudding on the plush blue and gold floor runner lining the long, vaulted corridor. “My legs aren’t as long as yours.”

I slow down but don’t stop until I reach the open landing with a sitting area looking over the grand salon. “Sorry, sugar. That was...overwhelming.”

Kinsey slides in front of me, not letting me keep my back turned on her. She tilts her head to the side and scrunches her nose, staring at me as if she can read my mind. “You’re annoyed,” she says, doing one better than reading my mind and reading my emotions by my pheromones. No cologne will prevent her from doing so because of our physical bond. It’s even stronger now with her heat coming.

I consider lying and telling her I’m not, but I know better. She’d call my ass out. “I just didn’t like not being able to smell you immediately. It was...never mind. I realize why Wilder didn’t want Enzo offering help, though I’m not sure I could do anything either.”

Kinsey smirks before her smile widens and she cups my face. “You can’t stand the scent of other omegas.”

My sugar has a bit of spice. It turns her on knowing as much. I lick my lips and cover her hand with mine, pushing her fingers deeper into my skin, wanting the weight of her to linger.

“I can’t. Not one bit. I hate it.” I groan as she runs her fingers under my shirt.

“I don’t want you close enough to smell them, either. It makes me...want to prove you’re mine.” She stretches up and sucks the nape of my neck, pulling my skin between her teeth until she bites me. I grunt at the sensation, my balls aching at the pleasure she arouses even from pain. Because her mark will linger. It’ll be here for days. She can taste me on her tongue and indulge it as if I never leave her side.

“I want that. So badly. You are mine.” I comb my fingers through her hair, easing her neck to the side, kissing my own trail down her heated skin, now fragrant with the sweetness I desire. The reason sugar will always be her namesake.

Something crashes from behind us, and I jerk away, spotting two omegas running from one of the suites—the one where the nest we found at the Smithsons stays. We hadn’t wanted to overwhelm them by putting those from the Vixen Lounge with them.

“Help!” a red-haired woman screams, tripping over her own feet. She hits the floor with a thud, her eyes wide and wild.

Reaching into my jacket, I pull out my knife and rush toward the redhead, my lust petering out with another scream. Kinsey grabs my arm, struggling to keep my pace. I slow down and spin her toward the wall, motioning for her to stay back.

“Text my brothers,” I command, unsure what I’m getting myself into.

Kinsey nods, pulling her phone from her pocket as she jogs toward the second suite. Desmond catches sight of us, looking at me. I don’t stop to try to assess things. Instead, I charge forward, holding my breath as I hop over one of the omegas crying on the floor.

“You said this place was safe!” a short-haired brunette screams, tears pouring down her face. “He came back. He took my sister!”