His sharp features soften as he releases a quiet laugh. “Protecting you is our biggest priority, you mean. Don’t think otherwise. We’re your alphas, and it’s our duty to see to it that you’re safe, happy, healthy, and completely satisfied.”

His comment helps ease the tightness in my chest. But it doesn’t change the fact that I will do whatever it takes to protect them, even if it means killing their father. Could there be repercussions? Absolutely. Do I care? Fuck no. The only thing I have left to lose is them, and King Winston is our biggest threat. If it comes down to him or us, I’ll choose us. I’ll be the omega my princes need. This wouldn’t be the first time fear gave me unimaginable bravery. I’ve never been brave because I was fearless. I was brave because I had to be.

“Then just get Enzo, please.” I bounce on my feet, rubbing my hands together. “I’ll wait here.”

“Are you sure?” Arsenio tightens his jaw as if he doesn’t want to leave me alone. But it’s only a dozen or so feet to the room I can hear commotion trickling from.

I nod and nudge him with my knuckles. “Like I said, I can’t be anywhere near the king. Just hurry back to me.” Waving my hand, I get him to give in to my demand. He might not listen if I’m not persistent. Everyone’s too high-strung and emotionally drained.

Arsenio heaves a deep breath and rolls his shoulders, forcing his feet to carry him to the room with the king. Several voices buzz out, and Arsenio stands in the doorway, looking over everything. I can’t see much from my position, but I can see people in scrubs and medical gear. Bright light shines from the room, the sterile scent enough to mess with my head.

Enzo comes into view, blood staining the front of his shirt. Shadows darken under his beautiful sapphire eyes, probably remnants of the drugs forced into us.

Striding to me, Enzo engulfs me in a hug and kisses me sensually, lifting me off my feet and spinning me around and away from the room. He combs his fingers through my hair and leans down, capturing my gaze.

“I heard you fought like hell, baby. I hope you know how proud I am of you. It took everything in me to fucking stay with that devil instead of following my brothers to you.” Enzo purses his lips, his eyes roving down my face as he takes a small step away, searching over every inch of me.

“I stabbed one of them. Holly shot the other. There was no way we were going to let them take us from you. Your father tried to give us to them as restitution for your actions against Platinum Shores.” My voice trembles with the admission. “They didn’t even really want me anymore because we’ve bonded, but they were taking me just because they wanted to spite you. They really had their sights set on Holly. She protected me. She shielded me when they threatened to murder me.”

My breathing quickens with my words, and a part of me relives the moment all over again, sending my mind spinning and my body shaking. I wobble on my feet, my knees going weak. I can still feel the metal of the gun against my forehead. The fear. How heavy a body felt dropping on top of us.

“The king did what? Fuck. I’m going to kill him. He’s a dead man. This changes everything. My brothers are dipshits. I can’t believe them.” He didn’t know. It’s clear by his morphing concern boiling into anger. Wilder must’ve kept his suspicions to himself because he knew Enzo would react this way

Spinning on his heels, Enzo abandons me, rushing back toward the medical room. He reaches for his gun. I should’ve realized that he might not have known everything, and his brothers might’ve been waiting to tell him, because he is always the first to act. And it gets to me in a good way. This is what I wanted. Wilder and Arsenio think about what is best for our future, but Enzo thinks about what is best for me in this moment, which is revenge.

“Stop everything!” Enzo shouts, waving his gun as he closes in on the medical room.

Arsenio cuts him off, shoving him out of the way and sending him sprawling across the floor. “Ignore him. He’s in distress. Lock the door and don’t open it for him.”

Enzo hops to his feet and bares his teeth. He charges toward Arsenio. His anger permeates in hot waves. I can nearly feel it caress my skin, warming me up. “You traitor!”

Arsenio punches Enzo, knocking him into the wall and to the ground. “Calm the hell down, brother. We have a plan.” Grabbing Enzo by the back of his shirt, he hauls him from the ground, dragging him away.

“Fuck the plan. He nearly got our girl taken! Nearly killed!” Enzo strikes Arsenio in the knee, sending him to the floor.

Tackling him, Enzo shoves his hand to his throat. Arsenio gasps with a growl, swinging his arms, trying to push Enzo off. The two of them throw punches, wrestling to overpower each other. My chest clenches at the pain they inflict as they attempt to subdue each other. They shouldn’t be fighting. Not now. Not ever. Everyone’s emotions run too hot. Including mine. It helps clear my desire for revenge. I won’t accept it at this cost.

“Stop it! Stop it, now!” I scream, rushing them. Tears burn my eyes. It hurts me on a deep level to see them turn against each other. I understand where they both come from, but it shouldn’t be like this. Not over me.

They roll over and over across the floor, trying to pin each other, not letting me yank them apart. I bounce on my feet, looking for an opening. There is only one way to get them to stop as they ignore me, too caught up in the fight.

Taking a breath, I psych myself up. I just hope my plan works.

“Don’t hurt me!” I shout in warning. It distracts them enough to slow them down. Jumping forward, I flop on top of Arsenio’s back. “Stop!” I shove my hand between them, my wrist grazing Enzo’s nose. My scent freezes them in place.

Enzo snatches my arms, dragging me up Arsenio’s back until I straddle his neck. Securing my knees firmly against his shoulders, Arsenio manages to swing his body up until I’m riding on his shoulders, the quick movement making me tighten my thighs. Enzo pushes up to his feet, swiveling to glance at the closed door where the medical staff works on his father. Leaning forward, I throw Arsenio off balance as I lock my fingers to Enzo’s hair, yanking his head.

“If you two don’t stop, you’re going to be in trouble. I have been through so much already today. I don’t want to see you fighting. I desperately want the king to pay but not at the expense of you beating each other up.” I stretch forward until Enzo takes me from Arsenio’s shoulders. The two of them sandwich me between them, smothering me with their muscular bodies. It’s enough to suppress my trembles, and I rest my head on Enzo’s shoulder, breathing in his skin while I kiss the crook of his neck. I hate today. I hate that their father betrayed them, and I had to fight alphas. I hate that as an omega, I’m so easily discarded for being used and bonded. I hate that Holly, as a princess and omega, faces a shit show just because of her order.

But mostly, I hate that I have to deal with not being able to live my life and love my guys while they do the same. I would think because of their position and power on the Pack Regimes of Saint Vista that things will be easy, but I’m pretty sure things are harder.

“Baby, it breaks my heart that we underestimated King Winston. He should’ve never been able to get to our staff like this. I’ve failed you. I want to make it up to you. The only way I know how is through his murder.” Enzo strokes his hand along my back, keeping an inch of space between his brother and me. The subtle gesture doesn’t go unnoticed, and Arsenio slides his hand around my shoulder and rests his arm against my clavicle, forcing space between Enzo and me.

“You don’t think I want that, brother? I wanted to pull the trigger myself. But you know how things are. If we murder him, we’ll be stripped from our position. Other packs will see that weakness in Gilded Sands. Other territories will also try to come in. We have gone over this, hundreds of times. It sucks. It really fucking sucks. But you have to trust that we’re making the right decision. We just need King Winston stable enough to get him to sign everything over to us. We need him to renounce his reign and claim us as the next kings.” Arsenio rests his chin on my shoulder, trying to peek at Enzo as he avoids his gaze. I know he feels guilty for going against their plan and his brothers, but I also know that he would do things over again.

“He’s stable enough right now. This is our opportunity. Call Wilder and Desmond. Make sure they bring Holly. We need them here. King Winston needs to put Holly’s life in our hands as well.” Enzo straightens his back, easing me away just enough to grab my chin to look at me.

We stare at each other in silence, his eyes roving over my face, turning down to stare at my lips. I ease closer and kiss him, unable to resist his pouty mouth. I’m just so relieved that I was able to talk some sense into him, to give Arsenio a chance to explain everything.