“Let’s get the guests out.” Desmond squeezes my shoulder and guides me to turn around. “This isn’t a party anyone wants to stay at.”

He’s right about that. Those obligated to show up will leave immediately when they’re excused, and that is basically everyone on the terrace.

I straighten my shoulders and look at the small crowd gathered behind us. They shift on their feet, as anxious as I expected, and I bow my head to show respect.

“May he rest in the eternity he deserves,” I say, lifting my head back up and tightening my jaw. “Thank you for showing your support during this time. Our next gathering will be one of great happiness. It’s an honor to lead you as our territory’s king, and I hope it’ll be many, many decades before we must gather like this again. I’ll do everything in my power to ensure it. Here is to the strength of our pack and the loyalty of our territory.” I raise my hand and nod my head. “That is my promise to you as your leader within the Pack Regimes.”

No one applauds, and murmurs fill the air as they quietly say their goodbyes to each other and excuse themselves. I stand in my spot with my brothers until only Holly, the Silversteins, my aunt and cousin, and the staff remains on the terrace.

“Do you want me to meet up with the rest of our security staff, King Wilder?” Jude asks, rocking on his heels. He wanted to leave with them to ensure that Rommel left our territory completely, but he was obligated to stay as the head of our security division.

“Don’t call me king. We’re family. I will not take that title like my father had. You know that my brothers and I are going to share power.” I open my arms and offer Jude a hug, which he takes. “I’ll handle it too. Why don’t you get some rest tonight? You’re going to have a lot of shit to do tomorrow as we restructure our pack’s responsibilities. I’m going to need you to be our face and voice for a couple weeks, okay?”

Aunt Melina smiles, her face lighting up for the first time tonight. “And he will be excellent. Your father could never see who was truly worthy and the most powerful. He liked to keep those closest to him weak. This is how I know you’re going to make a great king.”

I hug Aunt Melina next. “Thank you, Auntie. Enjoy your new home. Change anything you want. Donate everything you hate. You’re fully in charge here now. I trust that you will care for our family and pack.”

She kisses each of my cheeks. “Always, Nephew.” She opens her arms and hugs Desmond and Arsenio next. “Your mother would be so proud of you. She is here, watching over you. I hope you know that.”

I only smile, not sure if I believe her. I’d hope she was enjoying her eternity in an afterlife better than the life she was denied here.

My brothers and I watch as Aunt Melina and Jude disappear through the entrance and back into the fortress. I scrub my cheeks, wiping away the subtle scent she left behind, wanting nothing more than to just go home, grab Kinsey from Enzo, and cuddle her for the rest of the night even if she’s pissed off at me.

Unfortunately, I have shit to do. There’s always something.

It’s as if we can never catch a break. The moment we find peace, something always comes in to blow shit up. Maybe this is karma for my past actions and how I managed to shift power with brutality, but it was worth it to me. It’s still worth it to me. I’d kill dozens of men and ensure that we got what we needed to really protect ourselves. They weren’t good. But neither am I. Not now, at least. Maybe one day.

“Arsenio, why don’t you escort Holly back to the palace while Desmond and I meet up with the security team?” I flick my attention to Holly, smiling as if this is an extravagant ball and not our father’s funeral.

At least she can finally sleep in peace. This was the best gift we could give her.

“Actually, King Wilder. I was hoping that you would let us escort Holly. You have my word that she will be safe. She’s not ready to turn in for the night, and I have some movies with her name on them. If that’s okay.” Beckett stands a couple of feet away, holding his arms over his chest, preparing to be denied.

I force my head to nod, despite not wanting to agree. It takes a lot from me to entrust Holly with his pack. I know he is worthy, but I’ve spent all my life protecting her. I’m afraid to give that honor to someone else.

“Check in with me when you get home. I prefer you didn’t keep her out all night, but she is an adult, so I will leave it up to her.” I shift my jaw back and forth, forcing my mouth to stay shut instead of threatening him like I want to.

“You can trust me. I’ll take care of her. I promise.” Beckett offers his hand to me, and I shake it.

“Only for as long as she allows it. If she changes her mind, you’ll respect that. Do you understand?” I know I don’t need to say it to him, but I have to say it for myself. I just want to declare out loud that she is not someone I’ll trade for loyalty or power. We’ll grow it together.

“Absolutely. I respect your plans for our territory and look forward to serving under your reign.” Beckett bows formally, showing his gratitude. He returns to Holly, only for her to squeal and jump up into his arms. She grabs Jordan by the hair and ruffles her fingers through it, and the others laugh, breaking their usual composed selves in front of me. That’s what Holly does to people. She fills them with light and love and laughter. All the things that my father hated. All the things that my mother cherished.

Who knew it would be so hard letting her grow up and be the adult she has been for a while?

“You did good, brother. Kinsey will reward you when Holly tells her how you didn’t put up any resistance toward Beckett’s request. I know it’s hard to see her being taken care of by another pack, but this is how it should be. We’re so lucky that we’ve managed to give her a choice in her life.” Arsenio pats me on the back. “Now, let’s get out of here. I don’t want to stay away from the palace for long. I don’t trust anyone outside of us these days, and Enzo likes to react before thinking. If something goes down, we’ll have a lot of blood to clean up.”

Enzo has always carried a lighthearted persona as the youngest member of our family. It’s what makes him lethal. People underestimate him. It’s how I know he’s a magnificent protector for our girl.

He does stuff that we can’t. He also does certain things, so we don’t have to.

“All right. You drive. Desmond, I want you to navigate. I need to put in the request for a meeting with the Pack Regimes.” I straighten my suit jacket. “This must be taken care of as soon as possible. Rommel needs to be put in his place. The asshole will see who he’s truly dealing with when he stares down the barrel of my gun.”

His death is the only option.

It’s the only way Kinsey will ever be able to heal.

I will not put her through another tragedy ever again.