“And then after, we need to focus our full attention on Kinsey. She’s on the brink of going into heat, and she’s terrified. Arsenio told me that she popped one of the suppressant pills, so it wasn’t like her pheromones set off the fight. She’s torn between wanting to give us the world but also facing memories from her past. We need to ensure that she feels safe, secure, and prepared. I don’t want her to regret anything.” Desmond nudges me, getting me to look at him. “This is important for you three as alphas.”

It takes a second for his words to click but hearing him mention that Kinsey panicked, even being with Arsenio, enough to pop a pill hurts me in a way that I didn’t expect. I don’t care if she wants to take suppressant pills. I would suck up my feelings to give her the chance to choose what is right for her, but I don’t want it to be because she’s afraid. I don’t want it to be because she had been traumatized during her last heat. I need to support her in any way I can as her alpha.

“Fuck. I hadn’t realized.” Wilder clenches his fingers, cording the veins in his muscular arms. “I had assumed she was okay. She told me she wanted to bond and breed. But if she doesn’t...”

“We’ll figure it out when that moment comes. I’ll take her away if I have to. Or you guys can go stay in Platinum Shores. Either way, we need to be here in whatever way Kinsey needs,” Desmond says, patting Wilder on the back.

I hate that he’s right. But in this moment, I need to offer up and do everything I can to see that all our needs are fulfilled. I don’t want Kinsey to doubt anything. She is our queen, and I’m ready to grow our pack. It’s all I desire. Taking care of her and our family and raising our babies like the treasures I know they’ll be.

“Absolutely,” I say, giving Wilder a glance. I can’t tell what’s going on in his mind from his lack of expression, but his scent declares that he’s as mixed up in his emotions as me.

We’ve always expected to mate immediately with our chosen omega. It was never a question as we’ve been preparing for it all our lives. So, this is different.

As long as we keep our feelings in check, though, we’ll be okay. Kinsey is ours forever. This doesn’t change anything.

A knock on the door draws our attention, and I twist and spot Arsenio and Kinsey standing together.

“We figured we’d let you know we were back. None of you checked your phones.” Arsenio twists his mouth to the side.

One look at Kinsey shows that she caught some of our conversation. We were probably talking too loudly, not concerned about the staff hearing us.

“Baby,” I say, striving toward her and Arsenio. “Are you okay? Do you need me to love up on you?”

Kinsey smirks, but her face doesn’t light up like it usually does. “I do, but I heard you guys talking about my heat. You should know that I’m okay. I’m not going to take any more suppressants. It was...I wasn’t thinking when I did it. I didn’t mean to disappoint you.”

My heart skips a beat, my thoughts faltering as my mind goes blank.

“You could never disappoint us, Kinsey. We understand to the best of our ability what you’re going through and how you feel. You don’t have to feel obligated to do anything for us, but we should talk about it. You shouldn’t feel as if you have to hide anything. You don’t have to be brave either. We’re a pack, and we’re here for you. You’re our queen.” Wilder closes the space and touches Kinsey’s cheek. “And now that we’ll be putting our father to rest, we can truly focus on us. The Pack Regimes expect us to take some time to ourselves to adjust, especially with the breeding season coming. They won’t even have time to concern themselves with our affairs.”

Breeding season. I used to be so fucking annoyed about it, because basically, all the territory shuts down. Alphas tend to have to stay home just in case. The only one who’s ever really gotten to experience what the world is like when alphas and omega are within their walls is Desmond. Betas look forward to it. It’s the only time that they have control.

I wonder if it’s going to drive him nuts.

We’ll have to talk about that too.

Arsenio kisses her throat. “And with Holly moving out, we don’t have to worry about—”

“What the fuck do you mean Holly is moving out?” Wilder tenses with his words, taking a step back from us. Holy fuck. The spiciness of his shock and annoyance sets me off, and I flare my nostrils and fist my hands, preparing to tackle him if I need to.

“You didn’t prepare him?” Arsenio asks Desmond, the two of them sharing a long look.

“Holly was supposed to tell him.” Desmond holds his hands up. “Don’t get pissed off at us. You knew it was coming, Wilder. She’s an adult, and I can’t blame her for wanting to get the fuck out before the breeding season. She’s been a prisoner and needs her freedom now that she doesn’t have to worry. We’ll have everything worked out.”

Wilder growls. “It’s not safe yet. I can’t protect—”

Kinsey reaches out and presses her hand over Wilder’s mouth. “You have given her the best gift by teaching her how to protect herself. Trust her. This is what she wants, and she deserves to decide. You promised me this would happen when you took control. You would make changes so that omegas would get rights and not be treated like property or things just to breed. Giving her this will prove it. Please, Wilder. Holly isn’t the only one who needs this. You do too. It’s okay to let her be independent.”

Damn. I wish she’d talk to me that way. Maybe I need to be a little bit bratty. She reversed the roles, and I’m here for it. I mean, I enjoy seeing Wilder get put in his place. It’ll help him stop acting like an alpha fool. We all know that we’re a bit testy right now. We’ll go into rut the same time Kinsey goes into heat. None of us needs that sort of assholeness. Also, it’ll really prove what kind of control we truly have.

“You’re such a brat-girl. If my brothers weren’t here, I’d punish you for that mouth of yours. You’re the only one who can get away with talking to me like that. I hope you know it.” Wilder scrubs his cheeks.

Kinsey beams a smile, her face lighting up like the sun, dragging me closer in a gravitational pull I can’t resist. “I know.”

I shudder at her comment, the sexy breathiness of her voice tickling me right in the balls. And now I’m horny as hell.

I need it to be my time with her, so I can initiate one hell of a naughty time. Arsenio won’t, and no one will argue about it. Because we have the fucking funeral. Goddamn. I want nothing more than to get it over with.

Wilder kisses Kinsey, and I step back, giving them space before their lust sets me off even more. I glance at Desmond, who looks ready to pull the two of them apart, risking the safety of his limbs. He’ll be extra cautious now. With the way Kinsey’s been taking suppressant pills, we won’t be able to truly know exactly when her heat will start. All we can tell is that it could be any day. Any moment, really. And from what I’ve read, her heat will be twice as intense and possibly way longer. We just need to be prepared.