Wilder relaxes, his muscles loosening. “You truly are the strongest woman I know. I’m sorry that the world had to be so shitty to bring us to this point.”

“I would do it all again as long as it ended with you, Wilder. You and your brothers. I will survive everything just for our future. I want you to know that. You’re my king and my alpha. You’re mine, now and forever.” I kiss him softly as the world stirs around us.

Wilder smiles against my mouth. “And you are ours. Always.”

Chapter seven


Change the World

“Areyousureyoudon’t want to see him for yourself, lil sis?” Arsenio stands in the doorway to Holly’s room, where we lay together, watching TV. We didn’t stay long at the Gilded Sands Fortress, leaving Wilder and the others behind. According to Arsenio, coronation celebrations sometimes last a couple of days. Once my adrenaline wore off, I was ready to go home. I’ve been hanging out with Holly ever since, giving Arsenio a chance to do whatever his brothers needed from here.

“The formal announcement was enough. I never want to give him another ounce of my brain space. Good riddance. I’m just glad he’s never going to try to hurt me again.” Holly rests her head on my shoulder, keeping her eyes trained on her fingers, twisted and linked together.

“Good fucking riddance,” I add, squeezing her.

“We’ll punish and slaughter anyone who ever tries to hurt you two. Enzo sentencing Winston to death helped to kick off our rise in power on a note no one will challenge. For once, Enzo’s rash behavior benefited us. I know Wilder is nervous about everything, but I believe it’s for the best.” Arsenio steps forward and meanders toward me as if he resists running to scoop me up. It’s hard for all of us to be apart, even when I’m just spending time with Holly. I blame my upcoming heat, but it could be everything else as well. Right now, space is Arsenio’s enemy, and it’s the one thing we struggle to defeat because something always comes up. Life problems.

“So, what now? Are things going to change a lot? I know we need to start planning for your bonding ceremony with Kinsey, and I’m sure you guys will be making babies soon. I need to prepare myself as well.” Holly squeezes my knee, summoning strength from my closeness. We’ve talked about this before, but she is only now slowly bringing it up to her brothers. She’s ready to start a life of her own outside of their shadow and away from everything that comes with the Gilded Sands Pack’s name.

“We’ll need to work out the logistics of our new reign and announce the formation of our council, but apart from that... You two should get to enjoy everything our kingdom has to offer. No more hiding. We want you to be able to go out and not have to worry about someone retaliating or fucking with you. While it’s a bit difficult, considering our status, we’ll make it work.” Arsenio perches on the edge of the bed, resting his body against mine as he reaches out and places his hand on top of Holly’s. “Once we get everything in order, then we’ll have a pack meeting. Wilder’s declaration of Desmond being the leader of Platinum Shores kind of threw things off a bit.”

His voice deepens with his comment, and I stare at the side of his face. Arsenio doesn’t meet my gaze. It’s now that I realize that he might be upset about Wilder’s decision. As second oldest, he should’ve been up for the position of leading that territory and expanding their pack’s power.

“Wait, Wilder did what? Oh shit. Are you okay, Arsenio?” Holly recognizes what I do and sits up straighter. I was so happy for Desmond that I didn’t really think about what it meant for him or Enzo. Putting a beta in power without an alpha leader is unheard of.

Arsenio shrugs. “I’ll get over it. I know why he did it, but he should’ve talked to us first.”

“Why did he? I want to know that too.” I lick my lips and tap my fingers to his cheek, getting him to look at me.

“You’ll have to ask him, sugar. I don’t really want to think about it right now. I just want to have some fun with you.” Arsenio strokes his fingers across my arm, pushing my hair over my shoulder.

“There’s no fun in our rooms. If you want us to have a great time, why don’t you take us out? You know, I’m running low on suppressant pills. I don’t want to stop taking them even though Dad is gone. I just want to act like a beta for a bit longer. At least, until you guys give in and let me go on a couple of dates. You know how much I like the Silverstein Pack.” Holly bounces on her bed, her crush on the pack intensifying her scent. It’s not as strong because I know she has recently taken a suppressant pill, but it’s still noticeable to me. Everything is stronger right now. I wonder if maybe I should take one too.

Why would I think that? It’s the nerves. It’s been so long since my last heat. And that one was a fucking nightmare.

“So that’s what the sudden need for freedom is about, huh? You know Wilder is going to be tough to persuade. But I want you to know, Holls, you have my blessing. If this is what you want, I think that the Silverstein Pack will treat you well. And they know we’ll kill them if they don’t.” Arsenio remains even with his expression, proving that he’s not even joking.

“I’m going to pretend that I didn’t hear you threaten my possible future pack and relish in the fact that you’ll get Wilder to see things my way. I love you, big brother. You’ve done so much for me, and I think it’s time that you get to finally do stuff for yourself. For Kinsey. I don’t want you constantly having to worry about me anymore. I know you don’t think it, but I’m an adult. I’m ready to grow my own pack.” Holly stretches her arms and hugs Arsenio, squishing me between them.

I laugh and squeal, feeling her excitement as if it’s my own. I’m so happy for her. After everything we have both been through, we deserve better. We deserve to have the life we want with the men we love. Men that will treat us with care and respect.

It almost feels as if this is all a dream.

But thankfully, I won’t be waking up.

Arsenio groans and pulls himself away. “Goddamn. I’ll let Wilder know that we’re going out for a bit. Call the Silverstein Pack. Let them know we’re inviting them out for dinner and drinks.”

Holly claps her hands and scrambles to get off the bed, rushing to grab her phone from her desk. “You are the best!”

Holly strolls toward her bathroom, lowering her voice for some privacy. I scoot across the bed and into Arsenio’s lap, draping my arms around his neck, facing him. “You really are the best. Do you think the others will be okay if we go out without them? I don’t want to cause any more issues if you guys have some disagreements. Maybe we can meet beforehand and discuss—”

Grasping my chin, Arsenio cuts off my words with a soft kiss, not letting me finish speaking my thoughts aloud. As much as I want to know what’s on his mind, his interruption leaves me breathless, and I decide to drop it. “Or not. I guess it can wait for later. The Silversteins will be with us anyway.”

Arsenio grins against my mouth. “That’s right. It’s my time with you, sugar. I plan to enjoy every second of it.”

His words bring a smile to my face, and I kiss him again, feasting on the taste and sensation of his mouth against mine. I know that each of my guys needs time alone with me, and I’ve vowed to always give them what they need, even if it’s something like this.