I know if I stay, I’ll continue to push him. I’m just so over today. I need time alone. I want him to really think about everything he did and said. I’m not going to just forgive him and shrug it off this time. I have too much to lose. I’ll not allow the others to dominate Kinsey because they feel they are more deserving because they can knot with her. I can give her everything she needs too.

“Desmond! Come on, man. Let’s talk.” Wilder groans but doesn’t chase me. I don’t think he can.

I don’t look at him. I don’t respond.

I walk away.


“You look absolutely stunning in that dress, pretty girl.” I stroll a few feet to Kinsey and slide my arms around her waist. “I’m almost afraid to let the world see you. They’ll all get weak in the knees.”

Kinsey shifts and turns around, cupping my face with her hands. “It’ll just make it easier for them to bow before you, my soon-to-be king. They’ll know I’m yours.”

I get hard at just the thought. Kinsey knows something went down between Wilder and me, but neither of us wanted her to know to what extent. I’m still not ready to talk to him. I just want to bask in the love of the most perfect omega I’ve ever laid eyes on. The most perfect woman I have been blessed to be loved by.

“Damn straight. No one will tell us otherwise. I don’t care if I can’t bond with you like my brothers. You’re still mine.” I don’t intend to say the words out loud, but my mouth betrays me. I just can’t help it. My emotions are all over the place. I’m usually better at concealing them, but Wilder really got to me.

“Oh, Desmond. You fulfill me in ways they can’t. You know that, right? You’re exactly who I need you to be. Just because you aren’t an alpha doesn’t mean anything. And to be honest, I might enjoy being knotted by them, but I fucking love that we don’t. It’s more freeing. We can do whatever the hell we want. And when my heat comes...” Kinsey presses her lips together, a strange look crossing her face. Her sweet scent permeates the air with her emotions, and for the first time, I realize that she’s nervous about the idea. Giggling, she kisses me again, distracting herself and trying to brush off her comment. “Never mind.”

I ease away and tilt my head to the side, capturing her gaze. “Come on, Kinsey. What’s up? I can tell something suddenly bothers you.”

She closes her eyes, breaking my gaze as she tries to hide whatever is going through her mind. I don’t want to push her, but if there’s something I can do or say that will bring back the heat of her passion and snuff out her concerns, then I would do anything.

“It’s nothing. Just nerves. It’s been a very long time since I’ve had to physically go through a heat. I’ve only had to once before, and...you know.” She lifts and drops her shoulders.

My heart sinks into my stomach, knowing exactly what she’s talking about. Because Kinsey was to bond with another pack. She was tortured during her heat, and her uncle ruined what was supposed to be an amazing moment in her life.

I scoop her up and hug her close to me, kissing her jaw and down her throat, snuggling my face to the crook of her neck until she laughs.

“I wish I knew exactly what to say to you to help, but I can’t even fathom being in your position. I hope you know that we’ll take care of you. You’ll never go through anything so horrendous ever again. I’ll slaughter anyone who tries.” It’s in a moment like this that I wish I was an alpha. She would react to my pheromones, knowing the truth to my words. I need to make sure my brothers know her feelings. They’re obsessed with the idea. They want nothing more than to knock her up and grow our pack.

They need to know that it’s more than that.

“I know.” Kinsey squeezes me tighter, engulfing me with her entire body. “Like I said, it’s just my nerves. It doesn’t help that I don’t know exactly when to expect it. The suppressant pills really fucked with my body. It could be longer and more intense. I’m afraid how it’s going to mess with your brothers as well.”

“They’re already showing signs of rutting. Wilder—” I snap my mouth shut, not wanting to get into it. I don’t want to start anything, because I know that Kinsey will confront him. He’s already stressed out enough. I don’t want to ruin anything between them because of my feelings. Kinsey needs a strong alpha like Wilder, even if it means him controlling everything. “Wilder is getting aggressive toward others. It’s something he’s going to have to work on.”

Kinsey’s brows pinch together, and she studies me, a dozen questions crossing her beautiful face. We talk about anything and everything, but I don’t want to ruin this moment. I want to enjoy getting a first look at what she’s going to look like for her announcement as the omega bride of our pack.

Taking a step back, I lace my fingers through hers and spin her around, watching as the flowy hem of her dress sweeps the floor. “But let’s not talk about him anymore. I just can’t get enough of you. This dress is incredible. It makes me want to rip it off as if you’re a gorgeous present I can unwrap.”

Kinsey’s face flushes, her cheeks reddening with her appreciation. I spin her again, twirling her toward me until I dip her backward. She shrieks with my dance moves, and I grin, bringing her back up only to place my hand on her lower back to pull her in close, holding her hand up while our bodies sway together. She lets me lead, following my steps effortlessly without looking down, her eyes staying trained on mine. I don’t think I’ve ever danced with someone that felt like the perfect mirror image of my body. Our pelvises rest together, and I spin her around again, wishing I didn’t have to stop to turn on music. Because that would be what makes this moment absolutely perfect.

“I had no idea you were such an incredible dancer, Desmond. What else are you keeping from me?” Kinsey rests her hand on my shoulder, slowly mapping her way to my pec.

“Nothing in particular. I just don’t want to give away everything at once. Seeing the look on your face in this moment... I had no idea I could continue to fall so madly in love with you. I hope you know that. You’re the one person I want my life to revolve around. You’re everything I need to feel as if I’m worthy and complete.” I slow down, swaying to the imaginary beat in my head. “But I also love that I don’t have to be all-powerful for you to love me.”

Kinsey smirks, her full lips so kissable. “You know, you make me feel powerful. I love that you give me my way too.”

“Because you deserve to feel powerful. I know my brothers struggle because they don’t want you to have to be powerful. They don’t see things the way we do. If you want to dominate me, I’ll let you. It’s rather thrilling.” My cock hardens at the thought, and I lean in and press my mouth to hers, my desire getting the best of me as I imagine everything she’d do if she were my alpha. Who would have thought I’d be so turned on by it?

Kinsey shivers, drawing her fingers lower and lower down my torso until she grazes my hard-on, sending pleasure crashing over me. “Desmond... You love the idea, don’t you?”

I hum under my breath. “Absolutely. My pleasure is yours.”

We stare at each other for a long moment, just studying our expressions as Kinsey’s hearty fragrance permeates the air. I want to know what little dirty thoughts cross her mind and if we’re really on the same page. I lick my lips and lean in, pressing my mouth to her ear, inhaling a breath of her skin.

“If you guys are naked, you better make some room for me.” Enzo thrusts the door open without knocking, barging into the shared space that we have given to Kinsey, so she feels as if she has things of her own and not only things she has to share with us.