“And you’d do that, for me?”

“Chastity Heather, I would do just about anything for you.” I squeezed her a little tighter.

“Just about…” she mused, some lightness returning to the depths of her eyes. “Well, now I want to find the limit. Would you take a bullet for me?”

“In a heartbeat.”

“I’d take one for you, too. Would you help me bury a body?”


“Me too.”

“No question?”

“I mean, I’d have questions,” she said with a roll of her eyes.

“Like,why’d you kill this guy?”

“Or girl.”

“I’d never kill a woman.”

“Never say never. Anyway, yes, I’d have questions, but I’d still do it.” She smiled and suddenly everything was right in the world, and I could breathe easily again. Somewhere in the back of my head those nagging doubts were still there, just quieted for the moment because she was smiling at me and I was a hot second away from kissing her. I was also dimly aware that this probably wasn’t all that healthy, her having this much power over me, but it was hard for me to shake it now.

She went to grab her coffee but I lifted her onto the counter and fit myself between her knees. “Next time”—because we both knew there was going to be a next time—“just talk to me, agreed?”


“Now, I really need to kiss you.”

“Then do it,” she purred.

My hands came up to cup her face and I covered her mouth with mine. She sighed, her fingers curling into the front of my shirt as she pulled me closer. As much as I wanted to strip her right here and worship her until we had to work, I wanted to be mindful of her need to slow things down, which meant ending the kiss long before I would have liked to. Her lips chased mine for a second before she leaned away.

“Slow,” she said.

“Glacial,” I agreed and stepped back to let her slide off the counter.

We both took up our still warm coffee cups and sipped, watching one another. Despite her confessions, there was still an uncertain niggle in the pit of my stomach that told me something else was hiding behind my favorite pair of eyes. I knew that she’d tell me eventually, but the fact she was holding back still left me edgy.

Rather than dwell on it, because nothing good would come from that, I decided to regale her with a blow by blow of the disasters from last night. As expected, she looked horrified on all fronts, but mostly about Ray and his office groping.

“What did you say when you found them?” she asked around a mouthful of cinnamon bun.

“I didn't know what the hell to say! I just told her to get out and him to get back to work.”

She snorted a laugh. “You really are terrible with confrontation.”

“I guess that’s another reason we make such a good team then. Confrontation is not my thing and you’re always jonesing for a fight.”

“I am not always jonesing for a fight!”

I raised a brow in challenge.

“I’m not! I am simply sure of myself and my own opinions.”

I couldn’t stop the barked laugh from escaping and she punched me.