“Yep, I expect you to be waiting for me when I get home, in bed and completely naked.”

Her eyes sparkled. “Is that right? Well, if I’m asleep there is only one acceptable way to wake me.” She slid out onto the sidewalk.

I rounded the back of the car to grab her bag. “And what’s that?”

She shrugged a shoulder, an impish smirk lighting up her face as she leaned against the passenger door. “I’m sure you can figure it out.” Her fingers curled into the front of my shirt and pulled me down, brushing a too swift kiss against my lips. “Have a good night.”

I wasn’t ready to let her go though, so I wrapped her up and buried my face in her neck, breathing her in. Her arms came around my neck, fingers straying into my hair.

“See ya, Cheese, don’t miss me too much.”

She stepped out of my grip and shouldered her bag. “I’ll try my hardest, and if it does get too much … I could always just take care of business. In your bed.”

I hooked her around the waist with a groan. “You cannot leave me with that image right when I have to go to work.” She laughed. The sound, along with the image of her in my bed, pleasuring herself in my bed, had my balls pulling tight.

“You could always take care of business, if you missed me too much …”

“You’re giving me the green light to jerk off at work?”

“No,” she said immediately. “That’s probably not a great idea. You’ll just have to wait until you get home.”

“To you.”

“To me. But you need to actually leave first.” She nudged me away. I went reluctantly, already counting down the minutes until I’d be able to crawl into bed beside her.

“See you soon.”

“You will.” She blew me a kiss before turning and walking up her stoop. “You’re gonna be late if you keep on standing there staring at me, Milton.”

I dropped into the driver’s seat with a dopey grin on my face. Nothing was going to bring me down tonight.

I’d been staringat Chase’s text for a full two minutes, trying to understand what could have happened in the time since I left her. I read it again.

Something’s come up. I’ll have to take care of business in my own bed tonight. But I’ll see you tomorrow xx

What the hell could have ‘come up’? That was a bullshit excuse, if ever I heard one. There was a reason, she wasn’t telling me what it was. And I knew that she had mentioned taking care of business to distract me, which only made it more fucking suspicious. It was difficult to stop the swift downward spiral of my thoughts. To quiet the voice that told me this was it, the way it always went.

It wasn’t going that way now though. It couldn’t. Because this was Chase. Because this was me and Chase. She was different,wewere different. If she said that something had come up, then maybe it had. And I’d see her tomorrow and she’d explain and I’d be able to fucking relax.

Everything would make sense tomorrow.



This was nothow I saw my night going.

The plan had been simple enough. Shower. Day dream about all the sex I’d had this morning. Eat. More thinking about all the sex, specifically watching us in the mirror—holy hell that had been seriously fucking hot. Then I was going to take myself off to Mack’s place and curl up in his bed, huffing his pillow while drifting in and out of sleep and maybe masturbating a little (or a lot) as I waited for him to finish up at Rudi and come home.

Simple. The plan was simple.

Instead, Pip was on my couch, cradling a mug of tea and sobbing like a baby. I’d not been able to get much out of her since she turned up on my doorstep a couple of hours after Mack dropped me off. What I had managed to put together was that she and Tim were done. Officially done.Done-done.

There probably wasn’t a great time for your marriage to break down, but the week before Christmas did seem like particularly shitty timing. Not that I was about to say that to her, obviously.

I collected the pizza from the door and handed over a tip to the pimpled teenager who barely looked old enough to drive. He stuttered out a thank you before all but sprinting down the stairs.

The smell of pepperoni and mushroom wafted up from the box and I realized, with a dull pang in my chest, that I missed Mack already. It had been a couple of measly hours and I missed him. I wanted to sit at Rudi and watch him work. I wanted to be in his bed breathing in the scent of him. I would have settled for watching him fold laundry. What the hell was the matter with me?