“Greyson needed—hey!” I was shoved from behind and went sailing forward straight into Mack’s chest as the door slammed closed. “What the fuck?” My hands were flattened against wide pecs and I was half sprawled across his thighs with his strong hands at my waist. I wanted to sink into him, bury my face in his neck and take a long, satisfying sniff. But I was still angry at him.

“I don’t know what’s going on with you two but you’re not coming out until you sort it,” Greyson yelled through the door. This was a joke. This had to be a joke.

I peeled myself off Mack and tried the door handle only for it to come off in my hand. “Greyson,” I growled. “You had better open this fucking door. Right. Now.”

“No can do, boss, you’re both killing the vibe. Now kiss and make up.” He rapped on the door and then footsteps retreated. I was going to kill him. But first I’d make him scrub the entire bar from top to bottom and clean every toilet with a fucking toothbrush.

“Can’t you do something?” I said to Mack, throwing him the useless door handle.

He caught it only to put it on the desk. “Like what, Chase?”

Was he serious? “I don’t know, Mack, maybe like open the fucking door.”

“You say that like it’s my fault we’re in here.”

“That’s because it is your fault we’re in here.” I poked a finger into his chest. “Aside from the fact you were supposed to fix the door months ago, if you hadn't gone and had your hissy fit yesterday we would not be locked in our fucking office with a full bar of customers out there.”

He stood, using his height as a weapon. I hated it when he did that but, right now, with my heart beating fast, it was difficult to tell if I was just mad at him, or something else as well.

“I still don’t see what the big deal is.” I said before he had a chance to open his mouth. “So, we don’t tell anyone, so what?”

“So what?” he echoed.

“Yes.” I backed up against the door as he came closer, willing my voice not to shake. “So. What? We’ve been on two dates. Two dates, Mack. And I didn’t want to get carried away. I just wanted some time to get my head around everything.”

“Why the hell didn’t you just say that yesterday?” Was he serious?

“Because my brain has turned into a pile of mush! I see you and all I can think about is kissing you. It’s a fucking problem. Also, you didn’t exactly give me the chance to elaborate, you just jumped straight on the defensive and got all pissed at me without actually waiting for an explanation.”

He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, adorably (and frustratingly) speechless. “I—yeah, I guess I did. But I—I want to tell people. I want people to know you’re my girlfriend.”

I sucked in a startled, wheezy breath. Mack hadn’t had a girlfriend in years. Why now? Why me? Did he miss the part about two dates? Two dates wasn’t a relationship status. Two dates wasn’t much more than we liked the way the other one looked. Or it would be if it was anyone other than Mack.

“I’m not fucking around here, Chase, I’m not doing this for shits and giggles. I’m doing it because I want you. Just you.” My brain was scrambling to keep up with his confession. Girlfriend. He wanted me to be his girlfriend. He wanted to tell people I was his girlfriend.

“What about platinum braids?”

His brow pinched. “What?”

“The girl with the platinum French braids and the nose ring. You were lookin’ awful cozy while you were talking to her earlier.”

“I have no idea who you’re talking about. I’ve talked to a lot of people tonight, Chase.”

“A lot of people who aren’t me,” I grumbled, watching the toe of my boot scuff the floor. “I’m scared.” The words tripped out before I had a chance to stop them.

“Of what? Of me?”

My eyes shot up to his. “No, not you. Well, sort of.” I fidgeted with the knot in my shirt. “This is all moving kinda fast and I’m scared because it doesn’t feel fast enough. I’m scared because I don’t do well with change—as you know—and this is about the biggest change I’ve dealt with … maybe ever, and that’s coming from a kid who moved a couple times a year. I’m scared because the thought of losing you as a friend is one thing but losing these new parts too …” I shook my head.

There was more. I was scared he’d wake up one day and realize we shouldn’t have crossed this line. I was scared that he’d meet someone else, someone better, someone who deserved him and what the hell would I do then? I was scared he’d leave. Because growing up that was all I saw men do.

But I knew if I said that he’d tell me he wouldn’t leave and I couldn’t stand to hear him say it only for it to happen later. Telling people now, letting their opinions in, I didn’t know if I could do it.

“Chase …” His hands slid over my hips, pulling me into him. “I’m scared too.”

“You are?”

He dropped his head back and laughed. “Of course I fucking am! Feels like we’ve got a lot on the line here, you know?”