“What?” I growled.

“What?” he shot back with a butter-wouldn't-melt look on his face. A cold sweat broke out on the back of my neck and across my upper lip. Oh god, did he know something? Not that there was much to know right now. But the look on his face saidsomething. It said,I know all of Chase's secrets and I’m not afraid to spill them. I tugged at the neck of my sweater, regretting not putting a lighter shirt underneath.

I could not go through the entire night like this. I needed to compartmentalize. Now. And a lot. When we were here we were not two people who had been kissing for half the afternoon and wanted to continue doing that. Here we were two business partners. That was it. Platonic. Business. Partners.

I marched into the office and kicked the door shut, relishing the silence as I took a few deep breaths. Why the hell was it so hot in here when it would be lucky to be forty-five outside? I pulled off my sweater and rummaged in one of the boxes in the corner. I couldn’t let this thing with Mack interfere with our business. I was not going to let that happen. I could keep my shit together here and not let everything else bleed into this place. I could do it. I would do it.

Just as I was feeling slightly more in control, but still without a shirt, Mack came into the office and had me on top of the desk, his hands on my ass and his tongue in my mouth, and my god he was just the most incredible kisser. I sunk into it, melting against him, my legs curling around his hips. Swallowing his groans, which were without a doubt the sexiest sounds I’d ever heard—

No! What the hell were we doing? We couldn’t do this. Not when Greyson was already looking at me with some secret fucking smile. I didn’t even have a shirt on.

I shoved at Mack’s chest and our mouths broke apart.

“Sorry,” he said, breathing ragged and voice rough. “Not sure how I’m going to get through the night without doing that every thirty minutes at least.” I knew the feeling, but I was no longer giving into it here. I pushed him upright, and fidgeted with my skirt, pulling it down over my thighs as best I could. Although my skirt was the least of my problems, I crossed one arm over my chest and grabbed at the box for a shirt. This would be a lot easier if he wasn’t so fucking hot and I didn’t want to keep kissing him until the end of time. But I did, I really did.

I slipped off the desk, pulled on the first shirt my hand found and put some space between us. It did little to clear the fog, he was too big for the small space, his scent filling up everything and making me weak.

“We can’t do any of this here,” I said, squaring my shoulders to give an illusion of conviction I didn’t quite have.

“Any of what?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow and taking a half a step closer to me.

“No, no, no. Any of that. Any of this.” I waved an agitated hand between us and studiously avoided looking at the obvious and tantalizing bulge in his jeans. I regretted not making him come earlier but he was determined to be the gentleman. I could not think about that now.

“We can’t do this here. In fact, I think it would be a good idea if we keep it all to ourselves.” Yes, that was definitely a good idea. I did not need everyone up in my business any more than they usually were. It wasn’t for anyone else. It was just for us, and I liked it that way. If I wanted to keep it that way I should probably stop making out with him on the street though.

“Keep what to ourselves exactly?”

“All of this, us.” I cleared my throat. “There’s not really—um anything—anything much to tell, say, whatever, right now, anyway, so I think keeping it to ourselves would be best.”

The light in his eyes extinguished, his features turning hard. “There’s not really anything to say? Are you kidding? How about the fact we’re dating?”

I blew out a breath, refusing to acknowledge the ‘we’re dating’ statement. “Mack, you know what I mean.”

“No, Chase, I don’t think I do.”

“Come on, there is no need to get all pissed at me. I just mean that seeing as all of this is still very new—less than a week new—and we don’t know what we are exactly or where it’s going, so maybe it would be better to not tell anyone.”

“Better for who?” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest. It was the ‘Mack is ready for a fight’ pose. I didn’t want to fight about this. It wasn’t even something that required a fight. It was a simple,you’re right Chase, let’s keep it between us for the time being. And besides, wasn’t that hotter, anyway? Sneaking around like teenagers after curfew. Not that either of us really had a curfew. Maybe we needed one. Then and now.

“What do you mean?”

“Keeping us a secret,” he all but growled. “Who is keeping us a secret better for?”

I still didn’t understand what he meant, it wasn’t better for anyone, it was just a better idea than putting all our shit out on the street. Greyson was already looking at me funny and I didn’t need more of that, thank you very much. Why was he being so unreasonable?

“Why are you making this a big deal? This is not a big deal.”

“You—are you serious?”


“Fine, you got it, I won’t tell anyone. We’re a big fat secret. Happy?”

“Thrilled. I love it when you’re pissed at me.”

“Sure seems that way.”

“That’s not fair.”