“You’re welcome.”

“And thank you for your feedback, but I have enough on my plate with Rudi, I don’t need to sell my pies. I don’t even know if I want to sell my pies.”

“Okay.” She shrugged. “I was just asking. I’m finishing this.”

“Be my guest,” I said, grateful to have the subject dropped, for the moment at least. Thinking about all of this was one thing, mentioning it to Chase had been another, and actually pursuing it? That was a step too far. Starting Rudi Blue with the two of us had been hard enough, starting something alone, on top of another business, just the idea of it was overwhelming.

No, I was comfortable where I was. Rudi was busier than we had ever been. Chase and I were finally getting our shit together. All of that was enough for me.



Despite being toldI would have adequate detail regarding our second date, I had only heard two things from Mack.

Last night:Dress warm.

This morning:Dress less warm.

On what planet was this anywhere near enough information? Naturally, my first thought had been, how warm? Followed this morning by how less warm? I glanced out the window for the hundredth time. It was still snowing. He didn’t actually intend for us to be out in this, did he? Granted, we were still a long way off full-blown blizzard status, but it was definitely more than a gentle flurry.

I wasn’t opposed to a date in the snow, but I really would like to know a little more of what he had planned. My guess was whatever he intended was outdoors and the weather meant we would now be indoors. But these were merely assumptions I was being forced to make in the face of zero actual detail.

There wasn't too much more time for me to obsess because he was going to be here to pick me up in under an hour. Should I have been dressed before now? Maybe. Did it change the fact I wasn’t? No.

I stood in my underwear in front of my open closet, considering the options, one foot tapping against the floor. This wasn’t a big deal. It was Mack. Just Mack. I had never taken this long to get dressed to see him—ever. Yet my bed was still littered with discarded clothing options and I was no closer to coming to a decision.

I’d made it as far as a pair of woolen tights when a knock echoed through my apartment.

“Fuck.” I grabbed a red plaid skirt and a black turtleneck sweater, threw them both on and stuffed my feet into a pair of boots that would hold up against the snow before racing to the door.

Mack stood in the hall, hands deep in his pockets, looking hotter than anyone had any right to. Would I get over this feeling of seeing him anew? Right now, it seemed doubtful. Those stubborn curls poked out around the edges of his beanie and my fingers longed to play in them. I’d never given much thought to men’s hair before. Now, though, this hair that I had seen so many times before was suddenly irresistible. I busied myself by stuffing my arms into my coat to keep from reaching out and twisting one of those curls around a finger.

For all my staring, Mack didn’t seem to notice as his eyes made a leisurely perusal from my feet up to my face. A grin tilted his lips in the most devastating way and I was sorely tempted to just drag him inside and lock the door. Date two. This was only date two and, despite the look on his face right now, there would be no ravaging until date five. The reminder was enough to pull me out of the lust hole. Mostly.

“A picture’ll last longer,” I said with a playful scowl in an effort to diffuse the tension. A useless attempt. He had been right when he said it was always there now, hot and crackling. Making my skin tingle and my stomach dip. At times, I wasn’t sure I’d survive it, but I also knew I was already an addict.

I couldn’t stop staring at his face and imagining sucking on his lower lip, would be taste like mint? The click of his phone camera went off, snapping me out of my daydream.

“I don’t know how you have any sounds coming from your phone. Do I get to see it?” I held out a hand.

He turned the screen to face me and there I was. Caught between a scowl and a smirk, pupils blown and cheeks stained pink. Seeing myself like that was a gut punch and I had to focus very hard on breathing even—and swallowing against the rising panic. How was I supposed to maintain my denial of feelings if that was how I looked at him?

“How is a camera click offensive?” he asked.

“Every sound that comes from a phone is offensive.”

“What about when it rings?”

I gaped at him. “Especiallythen.”

“This is why you never answer your phone, it’s literally always on silent.” He reached out and slipped an arm around my back and my hands shot up, landing on his chest just before his mouth came down on mine and I lost all conscious thought. He really was an incredible kisser. Firm and commanding, yet, at the same time, slow, tender, explorative. Our tongues tangled and as I guessed there was mint with the slightest hint of coffee. I didn’t know why the thought of him brushing his teeth before he saw me made me kiss him harder, but it did.

I was well and truly light-headed by the time he pulled away. I licked my lips, blinked my eyes open. “What were we talking about?”

“The fact you never answer your phone because it’s always on silent.”

“I never answer my phone because I hate talking on it, for the most part.” There were a couple of exceptions.