I smiled wider. “Of course you do.”

“You’re still smiling.” She arched an eyebrow.

“Because you’ve just said you’ll go on a date with me.” She said yes. I was going to be smiling until fucking Easter at this rate. I could tell she was nibbling the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling herself.

“I’ve said I’ll go on a date with youif. If. Maybe you won’t like the ifs.” She crossed her arms, tipped her head to one side. I was really going to enjoy kissing that almost smirk clean off her face.

“Give me your ifs, Chastity.”

She poked out her tongue. “First: it’s only one date.”To begin with.I gestured for her to continue. “Second: after ouronedate we go back to this.” She waved a hand between us. “And third: friends, we are friends first, always.”

I pretend to think for all of one second. “Done.”

“Just like that?”

I set down the crate and started to close the space between us. “Just like that.”

She backed up a step. “I’ve got one more.”

“What’s that?” I said with a laugh. I was still advancing and she was still retreating.

“I get to choose what we do.” Her voice lacked the conviction it had before.

“Are you trying to get out of this?”

“No.” She meant it.

“Well, I’m afraid I can’t agree to that last one, sorry.” I wasn’t sorry, not in the slightest.

“Why not?”

“Because I have plans.” It was a lie. I had no plans. I would though. And, more to the point, I wanted to be the one to plan this. Our first fucking date.

“Fine, you can have your plans.” A pause as her eyes darted over my face and a smile tugged at her lips. “What are we going to do?”

“And ruin the surprise? No ma’am.” I grinned. My mind started to sift through options, each one discarded as quickly as it popped up because none were good enough. How was I going to plan the kind of date that Chase deserved?

She opened her mouth, then closed it again and twisted her lips to the side. “You should probably get back to work.”

“And you should probably go home. Day off and all.”

“ I have emails to respond to, lots and lots of emails. We’re in demand, in case you didn’t notice.” Smartass.

“I did notice that, yes, but I’m pretty sure you can reply to emails at home, no?”

“I have paperwork, too.”

“You always have paperwork.”

“That’s because you never do any of it.”

We stood there, a couple of feet apart, grinning at each other for a long minute. I didn’t know about her, but my mind was spinning. We were going on a date. An actual date. If someone had told me a month ago that Chase and I would be going on a date with one another I would have laughed in their face. Now, here we were. Going on a date that I now needed to plan. Since making the declaration last night, I hadn’t let myself think about what we’d do just in case she said no. But she hadn’t said no, she’d said yes.

“Weren’t you going to do paperwork?” I asked as that crackling tension built around us.

Chase blinked, bringing an end to whatever movie had been playing in her head, and cleared her throat. “Yes, yep,” she stuttered. “That’s why I’m here.” Then she was striding past me without a backwards glance. Maybe I needed to be planning more than one date, just in case.