I’d gone in toohard. I’d gone in too hard and scared her off and she was going to tell me to go fuck myself. I didn’t even know what I’d been thinking—going to her place last night. All I knew was that after walking Lindsay to her door and saying good night, I needed to see Chase. Immediately. I needed her to understand. I’d nearly told her when she was leaving Bronco Bowl, but I didn’t want to do that to Lindsay. I wasn’t a complete asshole, unlike Brady. He’d be lucky if I didn’t pop him in the nose next time I ran into him. What kind of person just leaves a date like that? Without a fucking word?

That was part of the reason I wanted to see Chase—to make sure she really was okay—but there was also the fact that I wanted her. Only her. I was done pretending otherwise. It was scary as shit but it needed to happen.

When I’d told her how the date would be different, that I’d be kissing her when it was over, I’d only just managed to keep my hands to myself. The temptation to touch her, to pull her into my chest, had been immense. But I resisted. Because I wanted that tension, that crackling electricity that snapped in the air between us now. I was confident she felt it, too. If I let it intensify for long enough I was also confident she wouldn’t be able to resist giving in to it.

At least, that’s what I was telling myself.

The alternative was that she’d come in today—even though it was her day off—and tell me that no, she would not be accepting my date proposal and that things would not be changing, now or ever. I couldn’t discount her saying no, but fuck I really hoped she’d say yes.

After a mostly sleepless night, I was lethargic and cloudy. I decided to go for a run in an effort to boost my mood and distract myself from the constant circle of thoughts. It worked for the most part, until I found myself running past Chase’s building without actually intending to. So much for trying to keep her off my mind. It was a lost cause at this point, clearly. But it was hours before I needed to be at Rudi, and I wasn’t ready to go home and pace a hole in my polished-concrete floors. My stomach gave a weak kind of rumble.

I knew just where to go.

Harley spotted me as I came across the street and waved me inside before I’d even managed to say hello, ahead of the sizable line that curled down the block.

“Mackenzie!” She beamed, barely pausing the movement of her hands. “What are you doing here on this fine morning?” How was she this chipper before midday? I’d put it down to early nights but I’d seen her at Rudi until close more than once. I had a feeling this was just Harley all the time. Her hair was tamed into a pair of braids today, giving her a deceptively innocent look.

“How was the date last night?”

“How did you know about that?”

“I know everything,” she said with a half shrug. “Also, I was there, you know, on Thanksgiving at your bar—I have not stopped dreaming about that apple pie since, I might add. Anyway, how was the lovely Lindsay?” She was omnipresent. There was no other explanation for it. Despite feeling somewhat violated by just how much she seemed to know, it was also comforting in a strange way, like she cared enough to pay attention. I hated to admit it, but Harley was really growing on me. I would absolutely never admit that to her face.

I pulled myself onto the only available stool at the coffee bar. “It was surprisingly enjoyable. Lindsay was, as you say, lovely and Chase actually bowled because I bought her a pair of shoes. Brady, however, is a fuckhead who bailed without a word and I will bury him the next time I see him. Can I get an Americano, strong, and the baked eggs.”

“Darc, can I get a baked eggs here,” Harley called and I spotted Darcy, the red-headed owner of Cream and Sugar, as she came out of the saloon doors from the kitchen. She just nodded and carried on with whatever she’d been doing.

“So…” Harley said, after dispensing a number of coffees including mine. “Did I hear you correctly when you said you bought Chase a pair of shoes?”

“That’s correct.”

“Uh huh, you were on a date with Lindsay and yet you boughtChasea pair of shoes.” She paused and gave me a long look. “You didn't give them to her in front of Lindsay did you?”

I took a scalding sip of coffee. “I did.”

She shook her head. “Are you kidding me?”

“I am not.”

“Wait. You look… kinda peaky Did you finally get your shit together and tell Chase that you luurve her? Oh, did you seriously kiss her!? Please tell me that wasn’t in front of Lindsay.” She really was frighteningly observant. Did I want to discuss this with Harley? The fact I had come here knowing that she’d be here suggested that maybe I did want to talk about it. I was a friend down, with Nash in LA sorting himself out, and I couldn't exactly talk to Chase about this, Harley was about my only option.

“There was no kissing,” I started, before explaining the conversation at Chase’s apartment last night. Harley lapped up every word and was then silent for a full minute. It might have been the longest she hadn’t spoken since we’d met.

“Yes, Mackenzie, yes. I love this for you.” She delivered a collection of coffees to the to-go window. “And, honestly, I think there is very little chance she’ll say no.” Her eyes snapped to me then back to her work.

“And you know that, how?”

She shrugged, giving me no real answer. Yet just the fact she thought Chase would say yes was comforting enough. Because, deep down, I agreed. One date. She only had to agree to one date. Then, hopefully, there would be a second, a third, a fourth. Date after date until you stopped counting because you were no longer dating, you were just together. But it all started with one,just one.

“It really is adorable how much you love her,” Harley said, snapping me out of my daze.


“Re-lax, Mackenzie, I’m not telling anyone.” She swatted my concerns away with one hand as the other steamed milk.

“Anyone else you mean, because I’m pretty sure you told Hunter and your brother that I was in love with her when we were at Bucks.”

She giggled. “I did do that, didn’t I? Well It’s not going to matter soon because you’ll be all loved up together. Then you’ll be thanking me for all of my incredible advice. I take payment in compliments and espresso martinis, oh and from you, orgasm-inducing pie.”