“Nope, no sex until date five.” I was only regretting the decision a little.

“Are you serious?” She was looking at me like I’d lost my mind, and maybe I had, but that didn’t change the fact that I’d made this decision and I was sticking to it. For better or worse. I was pretty sure it was going to be for better, though.

“Uh-huh,” I murmured and she melted against me as I resumed kissing a slow path along her neck. Her thighs clenched around mine, but not even the heat of her was going to make me crack.

“B—but why?” she whined and I chuckled against her neck. She sounded like she was about to cry. I made a slow trip back up to her mouth, tasting, savoring, I’d never kissed anyone who tasted like Chase did. It was some distinct flavor that I wasn’t sure I’d ever pin down. Her tongue teased then pushed forward and I groaned, letting my hands slide back into her hair. I would happily kiss her until the end of time. We broke apart, panting.

“Why?” she said again, voice pleading, eyes wide and her hands tangled in the front of my shirt. I felt her desperation acutely, but it still wasn’t going to change my mind.

I dragged my thumb along the plush pillow of her lower lip and before I could pull away she sucked the tip of it into her mouth. My eyes rolled back in my head.

“Because you’re worth waiting for,” I managed to choke out as her tongue swirled. I was released with a wet pop and refused to think about how that tongue would feel elsewhere.

“We’ve been friends since we were fourteen, I’d say that’s enough waiting, wouldn’t you?” She reached up and dragged her teeth down my earlobe. I shuddered and pressed her tighter to the door. I really didn’t want to lose control of this situation, but she wasn’t making it easy to keep my shit together.

“And you’ve wanted to have sex with me that whole time?” I asked, reasonably confident the answer was no.

Her hips pressed forward. “If I say yes, will it get me into your pants tonight?”

She was clearly intent on killing me, but I would not be broken. “It might, if I didn’t know it was a lie.”

She tugged on my hair, bringing my face in line with her. “Mack, come on. You can’t be serious. We’re adults, we do not need to abide by some expired dating convention. If you’re worried about me respecting myself in the morning, I promise I will. I might even respect myself more because we’d be naked.” She wiggled her eyebrows, and some of the heat rolling beneath my skin cooled. I kissed the tip of her nose.

“And what if I don’t?”

A crease appeared between her brows. “What if you don’t what?”

My eyes roamed her face as my stomach gave a nauseous roll. “What if I want to be able to respect myself?”

She opened her mouth. Closed it again. “You—you haven’t been on two dates with anyone, let alone five, for at least three years.”

A prickling sensation crawled over my skin. “It’s closer to five, actually, and that is kind of the point.” I tried to pull away but she wouldn’t let me, she just held me there, at the mercy of those piercing eyes.

“Well, when you put it like that…” She paused. “Do you not trust me? You think I’m going to leave in the middle of the night or something?” The look on her face promised violence, but I didn’t think it was aimed at me.

I smiled and smoothed a thumb over the pinch between her brows. “I trust you more than anyone. It’s about me, Chase, not you.” I kissed her again and she once again melted against my chest. I would happily live in this moment with my hands on her ass and her tongue in my mouth until I died. But I needed to go, I needed to put a little bit of space between us so I didn’t go doing something I told myself I wouldn’t.

I broke our kiss, untangled her arms from my neck and took three steps backwards, opening a wide wedge of space between us. I wanted to close it again immediately, but I wouldn’t. Not yet. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Mmm, yep, tomorrow,” she mumbled, eyes glazed and leaning heavily against the door at her back.

“Sweet dreams, Chase.”



Sweet dreams.




I was so wound up, I’d be lucky to take the edge off even with my favorite toy. And there was something about self-servicing while thinking of your best friend that was a step over some invisible line. There was no coming back from that, was there? He’d probably know it the minute I saw him, seeing as how he was so adept at reading me by this point. I wouldn’t have been surprised if he correctly deciphered myI brought myself to orgasm while imagining your head between my legsface.

No, there would be no sweet dreams tonight. They were going to be downright filthy.