No, I had to believe that he was waiting me out, giving me space. He’d made his feelings clear, (and they didn’t just go away after a week, right?), and I was the one who needed to catch up.

Even with my little pep talk, I was still dangerously close to emptying my stomach all over Harley’s gold jumpsuit. But I shoved the uncertainty aside for the moment because, whatever happened, Mack deserved to know how I really felt and I was determined to tell him.

What I had not taken into account when agreeing to the jumpsuit, was the fact that Harley had been the one to wrangle me into it and zip it up. Doing so alone was a task. I was huffing and puffing, groaning and contorting by the time I finally got the zipper all the way up. Now for my skates, and no knee pads because I couldn’t compromise the ensemble.

I sat in the office breathing deep for another five minutes. I knew I was going out there, bailing wasn’t an option. I just needed a second first. And I needed to let the DJ know it was time. Because I had also lined up lighting and a musical accompaniment, which may or may not bomb—but a grand gesture was a grand gesture, so I was going all out.

The opening beats ofSorryfiltered through the office door. Whether I was ready or not, it was showtime.

As soon as I was out of the hall the spotlight landed on me, reflecting gold twinkles everywhere and a murmur went through the crowd. A path opened, the spotlight following as I wove towards the bar, Justin Bieber crooning apologies over the sound system.

I could feel eyes on me, lots of them, but there was only one pair I cared about. The last few people stepped aside and there he was, staring at me with a bemused smile on his gorgeous face. I loved him so fucking much it was hard to breathe. I glided forward until I was right in front of him, the spotlight widening to encompass us both.

“Hey,” I croaked. My mouth was so dry. Why was my mouth so dry?

“Hey,” he said, eyes darting around before coming back to me. “What’s up, Cheese?”

“I was an idiot.”

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah, I was so focused on what might go wrong I didn’t see everything that was going right. And I—” I blew out a breath and gripped the bar top to hide my shaking hands. “I love you, Mack, I’min lovewith you, and I never should have tried to keep that, or us, a secret. I’m sorry.”

He squeezed the back of his neck. “And you want to do this here?”

“I considered other options, but this seemed the most–um–dramatic.”

“It is that.” Was that all he had to say? Had I completely misread this situation? I’d gone full rom-com, grand romantic gesture and he was staring at me like I might have lost my mind.

My heart was in my throat. “Am I–am I too late? Is it too late? I get it that I fucked everything up, but I wanted—I needed you to know that I love you, that I don’t just want to be friends. I mean, you’re still my best friend, obviously, but …” I shook my head. “I was only risking as much as I was willing to lose, I think. The thought of losing you completely scared the ever living shit out of me. It still does. But you’re my person. And I can’t live with only half of you, I want all of you, Milton Alfred Carmichael Kent. I’m sorry it took me so long to figure it out.” He wasn’t saying anything, just standing there staring at me. How long was I supposed to stay here before I called it a night and went home to eat my weight in curly fries and cry myself to sleep?

He vaulted over the bar, making it look deceivingly easy, and landed beside me.

“Hi,” I whispered, because I wasn’t sure what else to say at this point.

His hands came up to cradle my face and my eyes stung.

“I would have waited for you forever, Chastity,” he said, voice low and rough. The relief that swept through me made my knees wobbly. “Because you’re all I want. You have been since you walked into the girls bathroom in freshman year. I think you might be my hero.” He paused, his gaze roaming over my face. “And I fucking love you.”

I laughed, a couple of rogue tears escaping down my cheeks. “I fucking love you, too.” His lips found mine, gentle at first then hungry. I clung to his shoulders as his tongue sunk into my mouth and cheers echoed around us.Oh that’s right, we’re in public.

When we broke apart he took hold of my thighs and lifted me onto his waist to more cheers. I laughed into his neck, squeezing him tight as he walked us back to the office. He kicked the door closed, dropped me onto the desk and attacked my mouth. It was heaven. Had it really only been a week? It felt like an eternity since we’d been like this.

“Fuck I missed you,” he said between kisses, fingers already finding the zip at my back and working it down.

“Me too, so much. I love you.” I couldn’t stop the smile as I said it. My cheeks were going to be sore tomorrow.

“Say it again.”

“I love you.” I kissed him. “I love you. I love you.”

He groaned into my mouth as I squeezed him closer, my locked ankles holding him captive against me. I wasn’t letting him go again.

“As much as I like this jumpsuit, I really need it off.”

“Skates. Skates off first.” I said as he peeled the sequined fabric off my shoulders and down my front.

“You are so fucking perfect.” The words were low, reverent and sent goosebumps tingling down my arms.