Page 80 of Jocks

We visited the little mom and pop shops along the beach and bought some new swim clothes; I got a bright red skimpy bikini and Lukas grabbed a pair of matching red swim trunks. He purchased the bikini and then banned me from wearing it anywhere except for our room, claiming he didn’t want anyone else to see what was his.

I looked over at him while we walked. Could it really be like this for us?

I wanted it.

So badly.

I squeezed his hand and he looked my way, a bright smile painted his face. His blond hair was covered up by his typical flat bill he wore everywhere. Lukas always had a fresh one in pristine condition and, of course, it had to be flipped around backward.

An insanely hot look on him if you asked me. The way he smiled at me when he caught me looking was hard to miss.

We made our way down to the waterfront a little while later. I wanted to dip my toes in the ocean, but as I felt the cool water on my toes I jumped away. A low chuckle escaped from Luke’s lips.

Part way down the beach we saw a large crowd. Scantily clad girls stood on stage covered in cool whip. Whichever guy got all the cool whip off his woman first won.

“You interested?”

“Not even a little bit.” I had no desire to be up on stage in front of this crowd having very little clothes on. I may be here on spring break but I want to take it all in and remember it after I left.

His fingers slipped through my own as we headed back down toward the water. The seagulls were out this afternoon and fighting over what appeared to be a french fry. I liked the warm comfort of his hand against mine. I loved the way he looked at me and made me feel wanted.

“Do you ever wish we were like this before?”

“Honestly? No, I was a wimp. Too afraid of my feelings. I’m glad it didn’t happen until now. We had time to grow up and be best friends. We took things slow.” He chuckled. “Well, for the most part. Now it’s just you and me.”

“Yeah, I agree.” The silence between us now was no longer daunting, it was nice. We walked back up toward the pier where the festival was going on. Rides you would find at a carnival lined the midway. Lukas pulled me down the street to get in line for the Ferris wheel.

“Luke… you know I don’t like heights.”

He leaned over and kissed my head. “Yeah, I know you don’t like heights, but this is what I would do with a girl on a date and you happen to be on a very special date. So… you get all the goodies that come with it.”

His right hand rested against the small of my back, rubbing the exposed skin, and a shiver scattered up my arm. He always makes me aware of him in the best way.

“You know what else we can do on a Ferris wheel?”

I shook my head. “What exactly are you thinking?”

“No one will see my hands so no one will know if I have my hand shoved into your panties finger fucking you. You’d have to be quiet, though. Or I’d just have to kiss you the whole time to swallow your moans from what my fingers were doing so deftly between those sexy as fuck thighs you have.”

“Shit… I like it when you talk like this, Luke. Total turn on.”

“You just being here with me and letting me hold your hand and kiss you is euphoric. It’s the best turn on. I’m consumed with you, Zales. I burn so hot for you that I can’t think about anything other than you all day long.”

It was those few words and that moment when I realized I wanted to be with him.

Actually be with him.

He demanded two orgasms and ripped them from me before we got off the Ferris wheel. My head was spinning, I was in the clouds. Today was perfect.

We spent the rest of the afternoon at the pier taking in the sights, walking hand in hand, and sharing carnival style food before we finally headed back to the hotel. It only took him half a day to convince me of something I already knew. I was irrevocably and unequivocally in love with him.

Our friends were headed to the pool, but I had plans for Lukas. Plans that involved him and me doing a little naked tango in the shower. The shower in this place was amazing. Glass shower doors, rainforest shower heads. I couldn’t wait to use them.

We stripped off as fast as we could once we got into the room, and Lukas headed into the bathroom to turn on the shower. He was already at full mast, and I couldn’t help the drool that pooled in my mouth any time I looked at his erection.

Because it was me that had done it. I was the one he had that big ol’ boner for… me. And me only.

He stepped into the shower first, and I followed shortly after looking at how the glass door displaced his normal appearance.