Page 8 of Jocks

Crushing It 4

Thecrowdbecameablur that passed me in slow motion.Ice beneath my cheek transformed into the locker room in too short a time for my fogged mind to follow.I had a memory of Willow’s face leaning over me before she was thrown away, a sense of movement and time displaced as I traveled from place to place, and not under my own steam.

My gear was lifted off my shoulders, my feet freed from the skates.Someone jammed a packet of energy gel in my face.Gage’s grey-blue eyes, his face creased with concern, filled my vision before Coach shoved him unceremoniously aside.

I snorted into my gel pack.

“Give him room,” Coach growled.“Why the hell didn’t you say you hadn’t eaten this morning?Do you have a fucking death wish, Lancaster?”

I tried to answer, but he stuck the gel pack back into my mouth the moment I pulled it out.Water replaced it, paired with instructions to sip slowly by the team doc as he checked me over.

“I honestly forgot,” I said when he allowed me to speak, raising my arms over my head as the doc prompted.“Got a bit busy this morning.Wait.How do you know?”

Coach rolled his eyes and jerked his thumb over his shoulder.

I peered around the crowd that formed a semi circle between me and the rest of the world, but the doorway was empty.Disappointment rose in me before common sense dampened it back down.Willow wouldn’t be allowed in the change rooms, no woman was.It might be a sexist as fuck system, but it did allow for our concentration on the game.Right now, the rules could go to hell on a rebound for all I gave a fuck.I wanted her next to me.Straining up, I craned further past Coach, but there was nothing to see.

Gage slapped a hand on my chest, pushing me back and earned himself a reprimand from the doc.

“Your fucking pussy can wait,” he snapped, apparently content with verbal abuse when he was denied his usual physical outlet.

The room filled with catcalls and whistles.

I ignored the lot of them.

A hand tapped my cheek none too gently and my eyes sprang open.“Don’t you fucking pass out on me again, Crush.I nearly had a heart attack when you went down on the ice and Littleton decided to put on a show.Pissants.”

Littleton.Those fuckers.

My attention returned to Coach with clarity.

He nodded as the doc gave me a final pat on the head like a good dog.“Minor case of exhaustion, likely brought on by ignoring his nutrition.Not enough to worry about unless there are further symptoms.Eat.Rest.Train in two days.Tomorrow off.”Doc directed his final comment at Coach as he packed his things and left us alone.

“Yeah, sure.”Coach waved him off, then returned to glare at me.“Get yourself healthy and you train tomorrow.”

“It was Littleton.”I ignored both him and the doc.“Their defender started talking shit, but he asked me if I liked sucking on exhaust.He wouldn’t say that if he hadn’t—”

“Known what the fuck had been done to you.”Gage rose to his full height, his bulk impressive from my angle, even though the man was my best friend.More a brother than friend, really.

He signaled to Rafe and Valen, my fastest wing man, both on and off the ice.They hunkered in, chatting softly.

Coach glared at them, then turned back to me, running his hand over his salt and pepper hair, grumbling to himself.“You fuckers don’t touch LIttleton.You understand me?I won't be bailing you out.You can spend the night in a cell for what you’re planning.I’m not going before the Dean for you.”

“Course you will, Coach.You love us,” Gage called, blowing kisses.

I grinned, leaning back with my eyes closed and this time, I didn’t get slapped.“Nah, won’t happen.Too many late night missions under their belts.”

“I’ll pretend like you didn’t just say that.”Coach sighed, and I heard him walk away.“Clean up and get out.”He snapped to everyone else.“Training.Five AM.Anyone who turns up drunk or late does cross training with me off the damn ice for the week.”

Goans filled the room.Eventually it cleaned out, leaving me alone.I shucked off my own gear, cautious of my neck and anything else that clicked or flared in a way it shouldn’ they all shuffled off, and finally, I was left alone.

Weary muscles creaked and groaned as I pushed away from the lockers.The energy gel had taken the edge off, but I was seriously exhausted.The remnants of the shower held a dubious amount of hot water, though at least being a home game, I got a decent one with pressure.

I bundled everything into my bag, slung it across my chest and strode through the underbelly of the arena with far more confidence and energy than I actually had.

I peered about for Willow, but the place was empty, except for the few staff who cleaned and maintained the arena after the game finished.

Biting back my irritation, I picked up the pace, heading from the security office.