Page 73 of Jocks

She playfully shoved my arm. “Oh, please. You two are going to be bumping uglies.”

I shook my head and laughed. Cami was never dull.

My knocks seemed to echo with each beat as I waited for Lukas to open up. I kept looking left and right like I was a criminal waiting to be caught and dragged back to my room, reprimanded for wanting to get a little action tonight. But none of that happened.

Lukas opened the door. His smile was wide as he stepped out of the way to welcome me in.

“I found you,” I said, jokingly.

“I see that. So… are you… done for the night? Or do you guys have to get in another round of practice before tomorrow?”

“Nah, Coach said to take the night off. We played well today so we deserved a little bit of freedom. So you have me as long as you want me, all night if needed…?”

“Is that right?”

I pulled my legs up under me on the bed and watched as Lukas traced the movement with his eyes. I noticed the heated look he gave me, lust pooling behind those bright green, half lidded eyes.

He walked over and sat down beside me, the bed dipping with his weight. He leaned in and kissed me breathtakingly slowly. “Hi,” he said quietly, a smile curving the ends of his pouty perfect lips.

“Hey,” I said, smiling back.

“Let’s just watch a movie. I want to hold you in my arms.”

“Luke…” My eyebrows furrowed with confusion. I thought I was coming down here for a booty call and hanging out with my best friend.

“Look, Zales. I love you. You know that, but I don’t want us to just be about sex. We’re so much more than that. I’m choosing to ignore the part of my brain begging me to bend you over the end of this bed and pound into you until we’re both sated and exhausted.”

“You’re sure?” He nodded, and although I was bummed, I also understood where he was coming from. We’d gone from best friends to sneaking around having sex. We needed to get back to cuddling on the couch with popcorn and a movie. Things we used to do all the time.

“Didn’t see your dad here today.”

I shook my head, my good mood instantly diminishing. “Of course, he wasn’t. I’m sure he had better things to do than be a supportive parent.”

“I don’t understand why he doesn’t come to watch at least.”

“Don’t worry, Coach reports everything back to him after each tournament. He definitely makes sure not to miss the phone call reprimanding me for a bad shot, or to tell me I could’ve done better.”

His lips formed into a thin line and his jaw ticked. He reached over, grabbed my hand, and linked our fingers together loosely. It was only the lightest brush of skin against skin, but almost as intimate as when we were naked together. Lukas just got me soul deep. If I believed that two souls were meant to find each other, I’d believed ours had.

I liked the weight and warmth of his hand as he covered mine. I let my head fall to the side so I could rest it upon his shoulder.

“Hey, today should be documented,” he whispered to me.

I turned my head to look up at him. “Why?”

He lifted his palm to cup the side of my cheek and rubbed. “Because my best friend went out there today and kicked some serious ass.”

“Luke… what would you say if I told you I wanted to quit golf?”

He gave me a dazed look of bewilderment. “But… you love golf. You’ve loved golf since we were kids.

“I did. I used to love it. The thrill of watching the ball go right down the fairway. Having a shot go exactly where I wanted it to, but the more I think about it, I can’t honestly say I enjoy it anymore. The whole reason I started playing golf was to spend time with my dad and we can all see how that panned out. Now we just have this bitter relationship. And instead of loving golf I dread the phone calls after the games.” I sighed. “Just once, I would love to hear Azalea, I’m proud of you.”

“I know it’s hard for you. I want to say that I understand, but my parents are those crazy ones who show up at every one of my hockey games with big embarrassing banners.” I snorted. No truer words had even been said.

We spent the next several hours chatting about everything from our childhood memories to Cami and Taz and their weird ass sexual tension. I fell asleep pressed against his warm body wrapped in his big comforting arms. My head laid on his chest and the sound of his heart beating lulled me to sleep.

My alarm went off and I groaned. “Can we just skip golf and stay in bed all day?” I mumbled to Lukas as I sat up.