Page 72 of Jocks

Azalea Blooms 9


Ilookedatthe lush green grass and took a deep breath. The early morning smells of the course just before the first group teed off was one of my favorites.

A smile tipped the corners of my lips. I looked outside the ropes and saw all of our friends. The whole crew came up to watch Cami and I play this weekend. So far things were going well.

I caught Luke’s eyes, and as he held my gaze, a shot of pleasure raced up my arm. We’d done the horizontal tango again last night, and I’m insatiable. And let’s not even talk about the jewelry on his dick. It hit all the right spots. My face flushed and his response was a grin. He knew exactly what I was thinking.

We were standing on the fairway and I lined up for my next shot. I hit the ball and it rushed down the strip, low and straight, before it bounced onto the green and rolled slowly toward the pin. And then… well it went in. Cheers rang up from my friends in the crowd, and I gave a fist pump of excitement. Golf players were supposed to school their features and appear dignified, but inside I was jumping all around like a kid in a bounce house.

It was then that I felt it. The elusive sensation of hitting a ball and having it go exactly where I wanted it to go.

The late sun beat down on my face. My teammate hit her shot and it flew down the cart path. Not a good shot at all. I felt bad for her. We’d all had those types of days in our lives. You just had to dust yourself off and move ahead.

My chest rose and fell as I stepped up to the ball. Focus, Azalea. I shifted around until I was comfortable and then stilled myself for a moment. A distraction in the form of a cell phone rang and my eyes traveled to the location of the sound, where I found honey hazel eyes on me. It wasn’t Lukas. He knew better than to have his phone on at a golf tournament or at least have it on silent.

Lukas looked so young and happy. He was always present. He’d always been that way.

Those cute little dimples strutted their stuff across his face when he smiled.

There went my heart again, pitter pattering away. I was head over heels in love with my best friend and equal parts terrified and exhilarated. The rest of my back nine was solid and I ended the day with a score of sixty-two. I meant business.

My eyes drifted over the crowd as we made our way off the course. I expected to see my dad, but he was nowhere to be found. I couldn’t help the disappointment that befell me when I realized yet again that the great Sergio Harris couldn’t pull himself away to watch his own daughter play golf.

Winning was everything. It’d been what I’d wanted to do my whole life growing up, but these days I didn’t feel it. Things were changing. My senior year of college and I think it’d come to the point where I had to really look at things and decide what I wanted to do with my life. Did I want to try and go pro with golf, or did I want to have a career?

If Lukas made it pro, would I be able to go with him? Would he even want me to? So many questions pounded my brain for answers I didn’t have. I sighed.

Is this where all the anxiety came from lately? The fear of deciding not to do the one thing I’d dreamed of my whole life. More times than not I could feel my throat closing up as thoughts of impending doom and uncertainty filtered through my brain.

Luke joined me just outside the ropes with encouraging words and congratulations. If I went out tomorrow and played another eighteen holes like I did today then there was no way I couldn’t win the championship.

Tonight, our team was having dinner together to discuss the proceedings of earlier. It was the last thing I was looking forward to, but I didn’t really have a choice.

I knew Lukas and I would be hanging out later tonight. He’d rented a hotel room in the same hotel as us and we were already planning what we wanted to do for the night. Most of which included cuddling, cunnilingus, and sex.

The team dinner was as miserable as I suspected it would be.

I stirred the food on my plate, my loss of appetite evident in the fact that I hadn’t eaten anything except for a bite or two. An elbow nudged me and I looked to find Cami turned my way, a line drawn between her brows with concern.

“You okay?”

I nodded. “Yeah, same shit different day, right?”

“Hey, do not beat yourself up. Seriously, you kicked ass out there today. You should be proud of yourself.”

I leaned back in my chair at the table. “I’m not beating myself up. Honestly, I’m just wondering why I continue to do this. Yeah, I’m good at golf and when I started all this I was in love with the sport, but I’ve grown tired of it over these last few years. The monotony, practicing, being away all the time. I just want to spend my last year of college enjoying my friends before we have to accept the real world.”

“You’d want to give it all up when you know you’ve got what it takes to make it?”

“Yeah, yeah, I would. The great Sergio Harris will never care about anything that I do in my career, so I don’t have to worry about him. I just… have no idea what I’d do.”

She quickly changed the subject.

“So, what are your plans with Lukas tonight? Anything exciting I can vicariously live through?” I felt the blush crawl up my cheeks. He’d been sending me texts all evening, ever since dinner started. Some were way raunchier than what should be viewed while sitting at a table with my team.

“Not sure. I’ll probably just go hang out with him.” I shrugged, acting like it was no big deal. I wasn’t going to let on more than she already knew.