Page 63 of Jocks

I was getting more attention than normal tonight. Usually, I was a T-shirt and blue jeans type of girl. Most of these guys had probably never seen my legs before, and I didn’t miss the hovering or roaming eyes as they trailed up and down my body.

Apparently I wasn’t the only one noticing all the extra attention. I caught Lukas from across the room scowling at the guy to my left. Well, that was new. I waved and he finally lifted the broody look to smile at me.

We made our way to the kitchen for some drinks. Taz sidled up to Cami and whistled. “Looking good tonight, Cam.”

“Keep dreaming, Taz.”

“Every night, baby. You’re the main attraction. All I have to do is close my eyes and touch my cock.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle. One too many drinks and an awkward one-night stand ended very badly between the two of them. Cami let him get to her and Taz lived for it.

Ash spotted Isaac in the corner of the living room and headed his way, that big smile of his greeting her. I was so happy they finally got together last year and accepted each other, faults and all. I could imagine it was tough being a kid of the system, and when the one guy you wanted was rich, it could definitely make you feel all sorts of uncomfortable. She would stubbornly refuse to let him pay for things. She was an art major, so she always had her nose in a sketchpad.

Ash worked her ass off and the university granted her an academic scholarship that would pay for her schooling. She told herself that she had to always do the right thing. She couldn’t live outside the boundaries or she wouldn’t live up to her potential. She put too much stress on herself.

Out of all of us, Ash was the quietest. Cami was the redheaded loudmouth, and Kenzie, bless her heart, was the weird one. Like, has-to-be-supervised-so-she-doesn’t-burn-the-house down type of weird.

From what Lukas told me about Isaac, he was always quiet, but amazing as fuck with his stick. He came from a family of mathematicians who wanted him to go into something appropriate like law school or business, accounting, those sorts of things. They didn’t want to accept the fact that he was good at hockey.

Last year he finally put his foot down. I don’t think they were happy about it, but at least they finally accepted it. Unlike the majority of the team, he wasn’t a player. In fact, we’d never seen him with any girls. After Ash told us she was his first last year it made sense. He’d been waiting for her. How sweet was that?

He reminded me of a younger Luke.

Adorably naive.

Cami grabbed a White Claw and handed one back to me. Kenzie stood beside us and I followed her gaze to where Connell stood. She’d had a crush on him for years and we kept trying to convince her to go for it, but she hadn’t. She thought he was too experienced for her.

Kenzie and I had a sort of kinship. She grew up a lot like I did. Not in the shadow of a famous father, but playing golf. She grew up in a home that didn’t believe in sex before marriage and your butt was in church every Sunday.

Golf practice was the only way she got out of the house most days. Now that she was in college, we started seeing our little clam break out of her shell. She’d had her first drink of alcohol, first kiss, first boyfriend, and first heartbreak. We were there for her through all of it. It’s what best friends were for. Who else would take care of you when you were too drunk to function, or hold you in bed when you cried because you just broke up with your boyfriend? We all may have been different, but we had each other’s backs.

I looked over to find Ash and Isaac dancing in the middle of a crowded living room. Her head rested on his chest as she wrapped her arms behind his neck. The height difference was somewhat funny. Isaac was so tall and she was so short. The top of her head only came up to his neck.

Lukas made his way over to me, sporting a dimpled smile on his handsome face. My heart always skipped an extra beat when he looked at me like that or when I saw him across the room.

A red solo cup was in his hands; those big, solid, very capable hands. A shiver racked over my skin just thinking about all the things he had done to me. He had on a button-down shirt with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, spotlighting those thickly veined arms. The top four buttons were open, giving every lady here a glimpse at the solid chest muscles lying not so dormant behind it.

I excused myself from the girls and headed his way, meeting him in the middle of the room. “Hey, Luke.” He smiled down at me and pulled me in for a side hug and a kiss on the forehead. It always amazed me how he felt so comfortable doing that in front of everyone.

“Hey, babe. Fuck, you look stunning. I love this dress on you, but I have to be honest it’s only half as sexy as the naked version of you.” A fiery blush flew up my face as he whispered those words. Heat stirred between my legs as I watched his tongue caress his bottom lip. The bottom lip I really wanted to fucking kiss. I couldn’t though. It would be too obvious.

His gaze dropped to my boobs. Lukas was definitely a boob guy.

“You want to hang out upstairs?” he asked with a smirk lacing his lips.

“Luke… we can’t.” I looked around to make sure none of our friends were eavesdropping. They tended to be incredibly nosey.

“Oh, but we can. I’m not interested in being down here with everyone else,” he said. “I am positive we can find something much more fun to do, and study, in my room. Possibly naked.” He waggled his eyebrows at me.

“Hey, quit that. Someone is going to notice.”

“Jeez, Zales. You need to chill out. I’m not doing anything more than I normally do. It wouldn’t be the first time we went up to my room during a party, and I double it’ll be the last.”

“But what about…?”

“I only want one sexy woman and she’s standing right here.”

I shook my head. “You don’t mean that.”