Page 61 of Jocks

I smiled tentatively. “Hey, Lukas.” His hair was wet, which told me he definitely showered after practice. A dark gray Henley tee strained to hold his muscles in check and black sweatpants hung low on his hips, driving me insane.

My lower half woke up from its cat nap like…. Showtime! He held a small paper bag in his grasp as he closed the door and I eyed it curiously. “Got some refreshments. Can’t study on an empty stomach now, can we?”

A high-pitched laugh slipped from my throat and my eyes grew. What in the fuck was that? “Are you doing okay, Zales? You’re acting a little weird.”

I cleared my throat. “Yep, perfectly cool. I just had something…something stuck in my throat.” I lifted my hand and rubbed the column of my neck, giving my story some type of merit.

“Okay…” He said opening the bags. “So, I’ve got meat, cheese, those little olives you like, and sodas for both of us.”

“You didn’t have to do that.” Why did my brain immediately scream that this was date food? Shut it down. I reminded myself he was only doing me a favor.

He was a hot-blooded male who liked having sex and he would help me with my little problem. “Anything for you, Z. You should know that by now.”

And I did… I knew every word he’d spoken was true. He’d always been there for me whether it was helping me hide from my father, holding me when my first boyfriend broke my heart, or coming to every single golf tournament if it didn’t interfere with a hockey game. He leaned over and kissed my forehead. It was a warm and familiar move until he kept going.

“What are you doing, Luke?”

“I like kissing you, Zales. I love the way your skin feels against my lips. I love the way your eyes crinkle with happiness. Plus, your taste… it does things to me.” He continued kissing down the side of my neck. “Beautiful skin like this deserves to have all the attention pointed toward it.”

He was dangerously close to my lips. Were we making a mistake? I didn’t know. After last night my thoughts were scattered like sand specks in an hourglass. All I knew was that I was in love with my best friend and I fucking wanted him to kiss me again. I wanted him to brush our crap off the table and lay me down on it while he fucked me senseless.

See, this is what happened when you gave my lady bits an inch. They wanted to take a fucking mile.

I urged him to go lower, coaxing and silently begging for him to kiss me on the lips so I could feel his warmth against me. His coarse five o’clock shadow scratched my skin as he moved his face down my cheek, but I didn’t care as long as his mouth was on me.

“Luke…” I whined, sounding absolutely needy and desperate, but not giving a single fuck. I whimpered and sighed as he kissed me, which only encouraged him more. I was glad these study rooms didn’t have windows, or we would be giving everyone outside a show.

He pulled back and looked at my face for any sign of doubt or retreat. “Zales. Look, I will back off if you don’t want to do this. If you’ve changed your mind. Do not feel pressured.”

“I want you, Lukas. All of you.”

“Fuck.” He stood and lifted me up into his arms, my legs wrapped around his waist while my fingers played with the soft curls above his neck. Using one strong forearm, he pushed everything off the table. Cheese and meat went flying. Textbooks went flying. I didn’t care. All I wanted was him.

Calloused fingers found the edge of my shirt and pulled it up over my breasts, revealing them. He leaned in and kissed me hard, almost as if he was trying to punish me before lowering me to the table. “We should really be studying right now,” I whispered to him in a smart-ass tone.

“I am studying, Zales. I’m studying biology.” He winked at me and a hoard of butterflies lit up my insides. Why had I never seen this side of Luke before? Maybe because he’d always saved it up for his conquests. I tossed away that nasty thought and moved on. But come to think of it, it had been a while since I’d seen him with anyone at one of the parties at The Ice Drop.

Barely a thought formed in my lust addled brain when his warm lips and tongue aligned with my breast. He palmed one while nipping at the other. His eyes cast upon me as he drowned me in pleasure.

Drunken desperation. I was an alcoholic needing to taste that sweet, sweet liquor against my tongue. Needing to feel the burn in the back of my throat as it went down. Wanting to feel it warm my tummy from the inside out.

The kiss was almost primal.

My heart thumped wildly in its cage like a beast trying to break the chains that bound it.

I slid my hands up and down his forearms, tracing each vein, enjoying the warmth and strength behind it. He splayed his hand across my chest and moved down to the waistband of my yoga pants. I lifted as he worked to pull them off my body, and I noticed he was tenting a forest in his pants.

It gave me a thrill knowing I could give him a boner. He had it purely because it was me and not because of something we were watching on television or someone else he was thinking about, because I could tell all of his focus was on me.

A myriad of beautifully complicated colors flashed in his eyes. We did not manage to get any studying done while we were in the study room tonight. Well, school wise. We had a very extensive study session when it came to bodies, hands, and other various parts.