Page 59 of Jocks

“Hey, man. You doing okay today?” I looked up to see Isaac heading into the next shower over.

“Yeah, just got a lot on my mind.”

“I think everyone could tell. You’re not usually that distracted. Something happen between you and Zales last night? I thought you’d be going out with everyone last night but you never showed up.”

“Everything is good.” Because it was.

My mind flipped back to Azalea and I could picture us here in the shower where anyone could see us going at it. I would fall to my knees, kissing every square inch and leaving little bites along the way. Licking each bead of water as they traveled down her sexy body.

I would be kneeling, worshiping her perfect little pussy, soaking in all of her arousal. Maybe if I was lucky, she’d get on her knees for me, too.

“Earth to Lukas…” His words filtered through the haze in my brain.


He chuckled and a smirk pierced his face. “You got it bad.”

Tell me something I didn’t know.

I was in trouble.

So much fucking trouble.

Me: I can’t stop thinking about last night.

Her eyes caught mine as she shook her head, typing back a reply. We had science lab together twice a week. The professor stood at the podium, droning on about whatever topic was getting his dick hard today, and I couldn’t stop responding to the person currently getting mine hard. It was probably fucking creepy.

Zales: Lukas…

She flipped her phone back over onto the desk and turned her attention back to our boring as fuck professor. I hated taking classes. I knew what I was good at and my reason for being here was to play hockey so I could make it in the NHL.

Me: If you think last night was good. You should see me in action.

Zales: You’ve never once expressed interest in anything more than platonic.

Me: Never walked in on you naked and pleasuring yourself before.

A faint blush crawled up her cheeks. Fuck, I loved it when she blushed. It was abso-fucking-lutely-adorable.

Me: Let me do this for you, Z. I’m saying yes.

She looked over at me and rolled her eyes, but I could see the nerves that lingered beneath the surface. I knew my best friend better than she thought I did.

Me: I will make it so good for you. I’m a very generous lover. Lots of touching and kissing. Not to brag or anything, but I’m pretty good with my mouth, fingers, and cock.

Again, her eyes met mine and now it was a full-on blush covering her face as she bit her bottom lip.

The rest of class went off without a hitch as I sat there trying not to doze off with the monotone voice of our professor. Azalea gathered her books and notes before she tossed them into her backpack. I grabbed my stuff, sans backpack, and walked with her—my arm flung over her shoulder like always.

We saw each other naked last night. She said nothing would change, but I already felt a slight shift between us, or with me, at least. I was falling for my best friend, okay… I’d fucking fallen, and she may have wanted me to take her v-card, but it wasn’t like she was asking for a relationship. Not that I had fuck all time for a relationship anyhow. Didn’t mean I didn’t think about it now.

“Well, babe. I’m out. Coach wants to go over some films today, but I’ll meet you in the study room later?”

She held my gaze, giving me a small smile. “Yep, I’ll see you there. I need to go to the gym and workout.” I leaned in to hug her and a shot of pleasure bolted up my arm at the mere contact. Get yourself fucking together, man. I badgered myself.