Page 56 of Jocks

I didn’t know what in the hell I was thinking. I seriously didn’t.

“You know what, Zales? If I didn’t know any better, I would think you were still a virgin by how opposed you are to talking about sexually charged topics.”

I felt the heat sear across my cheeks as my blush went crazy. I could feel it from my nose to my chest. I looked away. There was no way in hell I could tell him. Absolutely no way.

“When was the last time you got any? And by any, I mean you specifically… When was the last time someone went down on you, or hell, even pleasured you until you were writhing?”

I didn’t respond to him. I couldn’t. Because whatever came out of my mouth would be a lie. Why couldn’t I just tell him? It was the only secret I’d ever kept from Lukas Munson.

I wrapped my sheet tighter around me, hoping it would give me some protection from his onslaught of questions. A sort of shield, if you will.

“When was the last time you had sex?”

“That’s a pretty personal question, isn’t it?”

“We’re best friends, I didn’t think anything was personal. We’ve always been honest and open with one another.”

I had to do it. I had to lie to him. It was easier than spilling the truth. The truth that I hadn’t lost my virginity because I’d been in love with my childhood friend since the moment I knew I could love someone. I’d waited for him. Looking back on it now, I felt very pathetic.

“So, what if I do have a booty call? Does it really matter, Luke? Maybe he comes over here after you leave, finds me all hot and bothered and then pleasures my body all night long? Maybe he’s…”

“Okay, stop already. The last thing I want to hear about is you with another guy.”

“Last time I checked you were the one that asked.”

“I’ve never known you to be a liar, Azalea. So why are you doing it now?” I was one hundred percent lying and he one hundred percent knew it.

“Did you just come here to mortify me?” My voice was whisper quiet.

“Azalea Harris, I need you to look at me.” I shook my head. I couldn’t do it. I didn’t want things to change. Right now, he probably assumed I’d lost my virginity because I’d never corrected him otherwise. What did I say? Oh, yeah, by the way I’m still pretty attached to my hymen.

“Be honest with me. When was the last time you had good sex?”

Well, I could be honest with that answer. “Never.”

“Shit, Zales. I’m mourning for you right now. What a God damn tragedy to go so long without good sex.”

The longer I laid here naked the more exposed I felt even though I was under the sheet. I was vulnerable talking about something I had no idea about. I was out of my depths, but Luke… well, Luke had a reputation with the ladies. Long stamina, thick cock, good with his tongue and hands—all high praise for his bedroom skills and kinks.

He rolled onto his side and the thick shaft I was trying desperately not to look at went with him. Now his cock was laying against me. Granted there was a sheet between us now, but still.

“What aren’t you telling me?”

He’d figured it out.

“Nothing… I tell you everything.”

Except for this… because it’s embarrassing and personal. Who waits this long to have sex? I squirmed under his watch.

Silence reigned between us for several minutes. He was waiting me out. That’s the thing about best friends. They know your tells, and they know how long they have to wait until you budge. Fuck, I guess he deserved to know. But…

“Luke… I…” I sighed. “Fine, I’ve kept one secret from you. One small secret.”

“Why do I get the feeling this isn’t going to be good?”

“I mean… it might be good?” He gave me an odd look. “No, I don’t mean it like that, it's just…. Shit, I’m messing this all up, aren’t I?” I was losing my courage the longer he held my gaze. It was like he was reading the messages going on in my brain. “It’s just… look, I never found the right guy. I wanted to find someone I trusted enough to let go with.”

“Zales…You can tell me whatever, babe.”