Page 42 of Jocks

“You know what? Fuck you!”

Storming off, I slam the door on my way out of the room. Perhaps I am cocky, but I’ve earned the right. In the few months I’ve been in town, I’ve already become the undisputed king around here.

As I walk along the corridors, my anger grows. I didn’t uproot myself and move to another continent to sit on the sidelines. By the time I reach the parking lot, I’m so wound up, I can barely see straight. I head for my car, an electric blue Mustang. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Harrington’s gray SUV sitting in his parking spot. Something inside of me cracks. I grab a large brick from where the wall was damaged this morning when some idiot ran his truck into it.

Grasping it tight in my right hand, I smash Harrington’s taillights and then the headlights, before hurling the rock through the window. By the time I’m finished, my chest is heaving as I struggle to get myself under control. Knowing that made a lot of noise, I turn to walk away. It’s then I discover I’m not alone.

Willow Craig stands a few feet away, her mouth hanging open in shock. I take a step toward her, with no idea what I’m going to say. Then a voice calls out behind me, halting me in my tracks.

“What the fuck?” Harrington runs out of the gym block and comes to a stop, gasping in horror as he sees the state of his car. “What the fuck did you do, Conley? You think sitting one game out is going to hurt? By the time I’m through, you’ll be lucky if you play for the rest of the semester.”

I open my mouth to make some smartass remark about how my dad will take care of this, because I know he will. Even though he lives thousands of miles away, my dad fixes all my messes. He’ll give me one of his lectures, but I’ll be back on the pitch before Harrington knows what hit him. However, before I speak, Willow does.

“It wasn’t him.”

Her voice is quiet, but both of us turn to her.

“What?” Harrington asks.

Willow thrusts her hands into the pockets of her jeans and then removes them again. She looks nervous. “He didn’t do it.”

“Well, if he didn’t, who did?”

“Me.” She looks him straight in the eye. “I did it.”

“Willow?” Harrington doesn’t believe her. I can tell from the surprise in his voice. He can’t imagine her doing something like this and I can see why. It’s just so unlikely that someone who puts up with so much crap from Celeste without complaint would smash up a car.

My eyes narrow on her pale features as I try to work out what her angle is. I can’t see any reason why she’d bail me out like this. Unless she wants something from me.

“I smashed your car up, Russ.” She pulls her shoulders back. Her perky little breasts push against her tight black top.

“No, you didn’t.” Harrington shakes his head. “You’re just trying to cover for him.”

Willow takes a step forward, determination written all over her face.

“Why would I cover for this asshole?”

“Hey!” My protest draws a glare from her. She really is a fearsome little thing when she gets riled up.

“I did it,” she says resolutely. “I took a rock, and I smashed up your precious car.”

Damn, she’s convincing. I know what really happened here, yet I believe her.

“Why would you do that, Willow?” From the hurt tone in his voice, it seems Coach Harrington is starting to think she might be telling the truth.

I narrow my eyes on Willow as she sucks her gorgeous bottom lip into her mouth and then releases it. I want to hear her answer. Why would she want to vandalize her stepfather’s car? What has he done to piss her off so badly she’d cop to something like this?

“Celeste told me about you and my mom.”

“What about me and Molly?”

“You cheated on my dad when he was dying.”

Fuck. I glance at Harrington. All the color’s bled from his face. He looks like a man who’s been well and truly caught out. He moves toward Willow. “Honey, it wasn’t like that.”

She makes a scoffing sound and backs away. “So, you don’t deny sleeping with my mom while my dad was lying in a hospital bed?”
