Page 36 of Jocks

“Thanks for that. It was nice to meet all of them.” Taylor’s still beaming.

I reached over and patted her thigh. “You’re a part of the team. That means you have to endure mom hugs just like the rest of us.”

“I’m happy to. Your mom seems nice. She welcomed me to the team and said I did a great job.”

“She is really supportive.” Leaning closer so no one can overhear us, I add. “Wait till she finds out about us. She can be a bit much.”

“Is that bad?” Taylor looks nervously at me.

“No, no, she will just want you to come over for dinners and game nights and things like that.”

“But we haven’t even gone on a date.”

“Doesn’t matter. She will just love the idea of there being an us.”

“It’s nice they support you.” Taylor straightens back up in her chair.

“You alright?”

“I am. My grandmother doesn’t know about me. She would be confused and take it personally since she was the one who raised me. She talks about me having kids once I’m done with school.”

“Plenty of couples have kids. You just need the sperm. Or there is adoption. Several different options.”

“I know. She is just old-fashioned and thinks things should be a certain way.” Taylor looks down at her hands. I reach over and put mine over hers.

“When the time is right, it will all get worked out. You’re not pregnant now, are you?”

Taylor’s head whips up looking at me with enormous eyes she exclaims. “No way! If I was, I would have to change my name to Mary.”

I can’t help it. I burst out laughing. Causing Taylor to giggle. Which causes the surrounding people to look over at us. We just smile and wave.

Back at the hotel, everyone congregates around the pool and hot tub. The coaches have us on a timed schedule for the afternoon. I spend most of the day putting ice on and off my arm when the coaches aren’t working it over, making sure my muscles stay loose. I love the massages but after the fourth one it starts to get old.

Sooner than expected, we head back to our assigned practice field. We have a short stretch and run before the game, then head over to the stadium. Getting dressed in the locker room, one girl is singing along to her earbuds, and we all start singing. This might become our new locker room routine. The coaches’ pep talk is pretty much the same. I add, trying to head off the nerves, that this stadium is nothing more than our friends and family.

The team is excited. Taylor comes out to the mound, and we have our conversation while looking over the other team.

“Say, I forgot to ask, last game, what did you say that had the ump cracking up?”

“I don’t remember. I just say what comes to my head.” She answers quickly, a little too quickly.

“You said that fast. You sure about that?”

“Yep,” she calls over her shoulder as she walks away. As I just shake my head.

I’m glad about the tournament. It’s allowing us to get to know each other better.

This game is a close one. Several innings of no scoring for each of us. We win but only by one, the final score three to two. A tall, muscular lady comes to bat. She swings hard, and the ball heads straight for Marcy at the left field. She runs to the back fence and makes a once in a lifetime jumping catch. Stopping it from being the last scoring run for them.

The parents seem to cheer louder for us when we come to the bus. They know how hard we fought for the win.

At the hotel, the coaches send me to the room to shower and report back to them. Taylor is told to stay, and they work on her arms. After two rubdowns, I’m finally able to go to the room. Taylor is already in bed asleep. I have to sleep with an ice gel pack taped to my shoulder, so I put towels down on the bed in case there is dripping as it melts. The team has another pitcher, but she is a better infield back up than a pitcher. Plus, I’m territorial. If I start a game, I will do everything in my power to finish it.

Looking over at Taylor before I get into bed, she looks so beautiful sleeping on her side. I accidentally put my phone down on the nightstand with a little too much force, causing Taylor to roll over onto her back. Her mouth goes open, and she snores an incredibly loud snore. Giggling, I get into bed and position myself and the ice pack. I’m not sure if it is the giggling or the swear words about the ice pack that wake Taylor up. Rolling over to me, she blinks a few times and yawns.

“Were you laughing? What was so funny?”

“You, you rolled over and snored.” I say, while trying not to laugh.

“Oh ya, I forgot to tell you I snore.”

“No, you don’t say. Go back to sleep, beautiful.”

“You’re beautiful. Good night.” And with that, Taylor’s breathing becomes shallow.

How does she fall asleep so quickly?