Page 33 of Jocks

We continue to kiss until there is a knock at the door. Breaking quickly apart like we are in high school and one of our mom’s walked in, we take a step back. Walking to answer the door, I pick up Taylor’s bag and toss it on the bed.

Coach Simons is at the door with her signature clipboard.

“Ladies, how are we getting along?” She asks us with a look like we had better choose the right answer.

“We’re good.” I say.

“Everything’s fine.” Taylor tells her.

“Humm. Here is tomorrow’s schedule. Instead of batting practice, I would like you two in the bullpen, one of the coaches will be with you. We need to get this.” She points her finger from me to Taylor, then back to me. “To be a team. We need you two playing like you have played all season together.”

“Okay, we can do that. Right?” I look at Taylor, who nods.

“For sure we can.”

“Why do I feel like you two are blowing smoke up my skirt, just trying to appease me?” Coach asks, while looking seriously at each of us.

“We aren’t.” Taylor tells her. “At first we didn’t get along, but we worked it out.” This time it’s my turn to nod.

“Well, we shall see what happens tomorrow. I want you two to spend time getting to know each other. You are both good at what you do for the team. We just need you to be friends now.” Coach turns to leave.

“We won’t disappoint you.” I say, walking behind her to the door.

“I’ll see you in two hours for dinner.” Coach walks out the door and knocks on the door across the hall. Closing our door, I see Taylor is unpacking her bag. I’m not sure what to do. Unpack or keep kissing or sit and talk. This is all so new and I don’t want to do anything that would make things weird on the field.

I’m grateful when Taylor speaks up. “Why don’t you unpack your gear? We can chat at the same time.”

Smiling, I walk over and pick up my bag. We each have a suitcase and a team backpack. It’s up to us to make sure we always have our uniform and mitt with us just in case the airlines lose a suitcase. That way we can still play.

Taylor and I spend the next two hours chatting. She is so easy to talk to, and she asks as many questions as I do. We have a lot in common, including our goals for ourselves. She’s planning on majoring in education and coaching high school sports. I can already tell she would be really good for kids, someone to look up to.

My phone alarm goes off, alerting us it is time for dinner. I would have rather eaten in the room, just the two of us, but Taylor is excited to get to know the team more. At dinner, we sit across from each other and visit with the team members. I like how spunky, and yet carefree, Taylor is. She can hand it out with the best of them and yet comment on how nice someone looks with her next breath. Frequently during dinner, we would catch each other looking at the other and just smile. Every time that happens, I feel my stomach flip. I realize I’m quickly starting to have feelings for Taylor.

How does someone go from enemies to romantic feelings in a day?

The coach reminds us we have an early curfew of ten because we are scheduled for the practice field at seven am. We spend the next three hours in a jam-packed room full of girls. As is our team’s night before the game ritual, we all hang out in one room and gab or play a game. This has allowed us to become more than a team. We are friends. Several of the team room together and take classes together. I think it gives us an advantage on the field because we really know each other. I had to be the bad guy and send everyone to their rooms at ten. Reminding them to check their backpacks tonight and make sure everything is ready to go. Something I remind them every night before a game.

Back in our room, there is a sort of awkwardness. I don’t think either of us knows what to do next. Taylor is the first to speak.

“That was really fun. Marcy said you all do that whenever you are on the road. Is that true?”

“Yes, it is. We have done it since I was a freshman. The captain then said it would strengthen our team. I agree, on the field we are not only teammates but friends and as friends we are more likely to assist each other and cheer for each other.” I answer her as I sit on the edge of the bed by the window.

“It really is a good idea. I’m liking the team a lot. I hope I don’t disappoint them tomorrow.” Taylor sits facing me on the other bed.

“Why would you think that? You are an outstanding catcher an all-star. I understand. It’s normal to have nerves the night before a big tournament. Especially being the new girl on the team.”

“Thanks. That’s exactly how I’m feeling, like I’m the new kid in class.”

“No worries, honestly I don’t doubt your ability at all.” Taylor still has a worried look on her face. “Is there something else bothering you?”

“I don’t know what to expect here, between us. I mean, we are sharing a hotel room and I know what that means, but we do have a big day tomorrow and I want to be at my best and not tired.” Taylor looks up from the floor to meet my eyes.

“I’m right with you. I don’t know what to expect either. How about this, we sleep in our own beds and we don’t feel uncomfortable about it? That way, there isn’t any pressure to do anything else, at least tonight. The tournament means so much to the entire team. I want to be at my best tomorrow, too.”

Taylor smiles. “I like that idea. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I would like to cuddle and play, but it’s better this way.”

Returning her smile. “I agree. We have time. Right now, we’ll focus on the games.”