Page 30 of Jocks

“Ha, umm yep. Okay, let’s say it together.” I suggest.

“Oh, my gosh, that is so high school!” Taylor giggles.

“You want to be first?”

“Nope. On the count of three.”

Now I’m the one laughing. She has spunk and wit, two qualities I really admire.

“So, the options are bats at dawn, tolerate each other or see where a possible romance option would go. Right?”

“Right.” Taylor nods her head.

“One” I say.

“Two.” She speaks.

“Three.” I add.

“See where a possible romance option would go?” We both spit out quickly, then giggle like a couple of five-year-old’s.

“I guess we should exchange numbers.” Taylor digs her phone out of her bag.

We exchange numbers, and say goodbye as she heads out to class. Gathering the rest of my gear for the trip, I finish packing and head out of the locker room to my car. As I walk, I shoot Taylor a text.

I want to say I’m sorry about how I acted to you in the beginning.

But I also don’t want to say sorry because it brought about the fight.

Which brought about the kissing and then the choice.

So, sorry, not sorry?

My phone goes off just as I start my car.


Sorry, not sorry. LOL

That’s perfect.


I didn’t ask what night class you had.

Also, tell me something fun about yourself.

Something about me is…I love music from the 70’s

Figuring it would take her a while to answer since she was in class. I head for my place. I’m lucky I have a smaller one-bedroom home I live in. My parents had it as a rental, the people moved out middle of my sophomore year and my folks said I could take it as long as my grades didn’t drop off. I took that deal. Living on campus was fun as a freshman, but the dorm can be hard to study in. I’m one of those weird people that have to have it quiet to study. My freshman roommate was the opposite. She played heavy rock music while she studied. It was brutal.

Pulling into my driveway, I hear the text go off again. I surprise myself that I’m excited to see if it’s from Taylor.


I LOVE 60’s and 70’s MUSIC! What is your favorite?

Umm…fun about me…I love to travel and see weird things.