Page 28 of Jocks

“She just rubs me the wrong way. Acting like she is better than all of us.”

“I and the other coaches won’t tolerate this behavior from the captain! So… I suggest you figure out a way to get along with her! YOU want to mess up YOUR tournament, fine! But in no way am I going to have this sort of crap ruin the rest of the team’s chances at the tournament!”

“I don’t want that, either.”

“FINE. Fine, then you know what you have to do.”

Coach stands there with her arms crossed, her eyes wide, eyebrows raised as she waits for me to answer.

“I guess I can try for the team.”

“You better not guess. You better do! There is one event left of our season and we will not blow it. You know what is riding on this tournament. Now that I think of it, you and Taylor will be travel buddies and rooming together. That should give you enough time to get to know each other. Because honestly, the way she was able to handle your pitching today, I want her on the team next year. So, go figure out a way to make friends.”

“Yes, coach.” Walking away, I pick up my gear and head for the locker room, making sure not to say what’s in my head out loud.

Unbelievable! Make friends? AND she wants her on the team? Come on! Sure, make us travel buddies. Why not torture me some more?