Page 247 of Jocks

“I’ll put a barrier down the middle.” I needed to keep some space between us, but also make sure I could keep an eye on her and ensure she felt safe.

I left to grab an extra comforter from the hall storage closet. Then I remembered I needed to grab some products for her. Fortunately, those were also stocked in the storage closet. As a grown man, feminine products were just another thing I learned about living with my aunt and cousin.

I think my first girlfriend actually asked me out because I was fourteen and in the self-check-out with a box of tampons and pain relievers. She had asked if I thought that combo would help me. I assured her that and the four chocolate bars already in the bag were going to improve my chances of getting a home cooked meal for dinner one hundred percent. She gave me her number and we started dating the next day. She met me right after my dad died. My first love, my first heartbreak, and the last time I let someone get that close to me. I’d had a little bit of sex with a handful of females, but nothing like one would expect of a man with my status.

I returned with two boxes which I placed in the bathroom. She seemed very interested in my every move and watched me intently. I pulled out a long-sleeve t-shirt from high school that wouldn’t fit my arms and a pair of sweatpants I was sure I couldn’t pull up past my knees these days. I picked up a pair of scissors and cut the seam on the shirt despite her wince of protest. I handed them over and said, “It’s been too small for me to wear for many years. It’s fine. Let me know if you need anything else. There’s products in the shower that will make you smell more manly, but less like the hospital, right?” She nodded. “Extra towels and toothbrush in this little closet right here.”

I indicated the wall next to the door. The mini closet was right on the other side of where I tapped. She said, “I’m going to take a shower.”

I nodded. Good plan. Maybe that would help her get past the stream of consciousness the meds had her sharing.

She took her shower and I changed into a pair of pajama bottoms and a t-shirt. I situated the bedding so that she had her own half and I had mine. She knocked on the bathroom door before opening it, which I thought was a bit odd until I realized she was making sure I was dressed.

“I uh—” She was blushing so deeply and I remembered why.

“It’s a trashcan and it has a lid on it. It’s fine.” I settled onto my side of my bed and turned the television on. She moved into the bedroom and took a seat on the other side of the bed. I blurted out, “I know we don’t know each other. I get that, but it’s just a period. You act like I should be shocked. It’s kind of insulting.”

She moved her body onto the bed and when her head hit the pillow, she said to the ceiling, not me, “The last guy I went out with literally said, call me when it’s over.”

“How long did you date that jerk?” I asked and wondered why because I didn’t want to know. I didn’t care. At least, I didn’t want to care.

“Almost a month.” She waited a beat and then snickered. Then she laughed. I smiled despite my efforts not to.

“Here. You have the remote. Crushing that team and then you have made me tired.” I suppressed the laugh as her eyes went wide and she looked over at me. I said, “I am sorry about that.”

“Thanks.” She accepted the remote. She adjusted a pillow under that casted arm.

“Oh shit. How did—”

“I held it out. Didn’t wash my hair, just…tried to get the hospital funk off.” She yawned because I yawned.

I nodded. “Okay. If you need help with that, I’ll ask Prissy to help tomorrow.”

“Prissy?” she asked.

“Yes, Poppy. Prissy. Her girlfriend’s name is Candy.” I closed my eyes. “Just let me know if you need something. Okay?”

“Okay.” It was like a whisper.