Page 24 of Jocks

Bases Loaded

Bases Loaded 1

The Change

“WHATDOYOUMEAN ERIN LEFT?” Jumping out of my seat, I start pacing the floor. “LEFT LIKE LEFT THE SCHOOL?”

“Meredith, calm down. We aren’t going to have a discussion with you screaming at me.” Coach Simons sits at her desk, watching me pace.

“We are one day from the tournament, and she QUITS? WHAT THE HELL!” I stop walking and turn to face the coach. “WHY?”

“Why did she leave?”

“Y-E-S. Why did she leave?” I’m so irritated I want to hit something.

“Personal reasons. She asked me not to share. She said she will text you and let you know.”

“REALLY COACH? That’s supposed to be good enough. We’ve been a team for three years! She couldn’t talk to me? She couldn’t let me know what was going on. She told you rather than me. What’s the reason, coach?”

“I’m sorry, I can’t share.”

“Oh, you can. You are making the choice NOT to. I’m the captain of the team. I think I need to know.” Walking forward as I speak, I place my hands on the edge of her desk.

Coach leans forward in her chair. Lowers her voice. “And I – AM - THE - COACH. Now sit down and let’s talk about options. Unless you want me to find another captain?”

Not moving from my spot, I know internally that if I push this any more, the coach will remove me as captain and that is something I definitely don’t want.

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. It’s a major shock. Not to mention my feelings are hurt that she just up and left without a word. And right before; the biggest thing to ever happen to softball in Crossmont Cove University history.”

“I get that. It was a shock for me too. I will tell you this. It was a very hard decision for her to make. Believe me when I say that she should have talked to you and not left me to be the one to tell you. But what’s done is done. Let’s move on to figuring out what we are going to do for the tournament.”

Huffing, I sit back down in my seat. I know when coach is done talking. “Coach, can you at least tell me if she is okay? I mean, it’s not something life or death, is it?”

“No, it’s okay. She will explain. I’m sure she will, and if she doesn’t by the time the tournament is over, I promise I will tell you. She will have had ample time by then. Deal?”

“Deal.” Letting out a large breath I didn’t know I had been holding. I sit back in my chair. “Okay, let’s talk about the team. What do we do for a catcher?”

Coach looks tired, and I have to wonder how long she has known about this. The timing couldn’t have been worse. Today is Wednesday and on Friday; the team leaves for the big fast-pitch softball tournament. The Championships, the big leagues. No other team in the University’s history has been invited to compete. This is huge for us as a team but also as a school.

“The other coaches and I have been thinking.”

“I’m sure you have.” She smiles at me.

“We know we can’t move Katherine into the first-string catcher spot. She isn’t fully recovered from her rotator surgery. We could pull Pat, but honestly, we need her in the outfield. She’s a quick runner and has a great arm to get the ball back into the infield.” Coach pauses.

“I agree with all of that.” I throw in my two cents.

“That leaves us with one option. At semester break there was a transfer student who came to the University with college softball experience. We didn’t have a spot on the team at the time, so I told her she would have to wait until a spot opened or for tryouts next season. I’ve talked to her, and she’s spent a lot of time at the catcher position. She’s willing to step in. Coach Waldon is getting her set up with gear as we speak.”

“You already invited her to the team without having us meet her? Without me meeting her?” I’m shocked the coach would do what.

She knows how much the team relies on me and my leadership. She should have talked to me before putting this new girl on the team.

“Meredith, WE are the coaching staff. WE will make the choices concerning the team. Do I need to remind you of your job as the captain?” Coach sits up in her chair and leans forward on her desk.

And now I know I’m in dangerous territory and have pushed it too far with her. While I’m hurt and upset, I know my mouth sometimes gets away from me and I now need to back off or suffer consequences.

I raising both my palms into the air, facing her. “I’m sorry, I just gut responded at the idea of someone new joining the team right now when we are two days from a monumental event. What if she doesn’t fit in with the team?”