Page 234 of Jocks

What is going on?

“I think after the game we’ll take you out for a nice dinner. Ace isn’t playing today, injury and all. I think he’ll sit with you and your dad,” Hunter leans in and brushes his lips against mine. “After the game he’ll drive you home to change into a nice dress.”

“I’d like that.” Ace’s voice is dark and husky.

“Hey, fellas,” a familiar voice says, walking up to us.

Their instinct is to push me behind them.

“What is she doing here with you?” Cashel cocks his head.

“I asked her to come,” Lenox says.

“Oakley, can we talk?” Cashel asks me.

“I don’t think so,” I say, “Ace, can we go?”

“Sure thing. See you guys later. Play a good game.”

Ace takes my hand in his and we walk hand-in-hand to Lenox’s seats. My dad is here, leaning over the railing talking to Jensen.

“Hey, Oakley.” Jensen waves, “Haven’t seen you at a game in a long time.”

“I’ve been busy keeping up with my classes.”

“Wish Cashel had that much dedication.” Jensen scratches his beard.

“Oakley could help him out if needed,” my dad throws out there.

I could, but I won’t. I’ll find someone to help him, though, since I’m not a mean person. But I don’t want to be anywhere near Cashel.

“Ace, we’ll miss you on the ice.”

“I’ll be good as new soon, Coach.”

“Dinner afterwards,” my dad tells Jensen who nods, going back to the bench as the guys warm up.

“Next time you’ll wear my jersey,” Ace whispers in my ear.

“Ace, how’s your mother?”

“She’s good, sir. Busy with her charity and what not.”

“Good. I’ve been meaning to reach out to give a donation since I missed her gala.”

“She’d love that, sir.”

My dad gets up to go get snacks, leaving me with Ace.

“I’m so confused,” I shake my head. I know I’ve been saying that a lot, but it’s true.

“Why?” He leans in closer and licks my neck. I feel sparks shoot up my spine and my lady parts tingle.

“Because this isn’t true.”

“Oh, it’s true. Since high school we’ve wanted you.”
