Page 233 of Jocks

“Please wear it.”

“Um, I’d love to, thank you.”

I take my cardigan off, I won’t be needing it. I’ll still take it with me just in case, though.

The jersey fits me nicely, a little big, but I love it.

“The guys all had one made for you,” he tells me.


“You haven’t figured it out yet?”

I shake my head because I’m still trying to wrap my head around last night.

To make things more confusing, he leans across the center and kisses me. It’s a light kiss, but makes me tingle, nonetheless.

What is happening?

He smirks when he leans back over.

This is the most Lenox has ever spoken—to anyone. He hardly talks.

He turns the car on and starts driving towards the ice arena where they play, courtesy of my father. He didn’t actually pay for all of it, but he helped get it off the ground with a generous donation. You would think that would get us season tickets. Not that my dad or I care. We love hockey and love to support the team.

He pulls into the team parking lot and rushes around to get my door. College kids are already mingling about, waving at him like he’s a pro player, though all of them could be.

He takes my hand and pulls me inside the side doors. I don’t want to think about what this means. He could just be being nice.

He kissed you, idiot.

I’m not processing anything right now. I can’t. I feel like my brain is shut down. Too much hot muscle standing around.

“Fucker,” Caleb mutters when he sees us. Lenox grins. I’m guessing it’s about my jersey.

“Hey, beautiful,” Hunter hugs me.


Caleb and Ace pull me into a group hug.

“She still doesn’t get it,” Lenox mutters.

“What doesn’t she get?” Ace asks, intertwining his hand with mine.

“Oh,” Hunter nods.

“I think after the game we should show her,” Caleb agrees.

“They all want you,” Ace whispers to me. “Me included.”

What the what?

They want me.

“To humiliate me?” I hang my head, knowing it’s about to come. They’re doing this just to ensure I’m a pariah at school. Graduation can’t come fast enough.

“Oh, no, Sweet Girl,” Lenox nuzzles my neck. He’s being affectionate with me in public.