Page 221 of Jocks

Power Play 3


I lean back in my chair and hit Send on the computer. Just finished my research paper for history on engineering and war. It took forever to research and write, just glad to turn it in on time.

I have time to go back to coding. I’m trying to teach myself computer codes. I want to make an app. Not sure what kind of app, but first I need to learn all the different kinds of codes.

Maybe I’ll build a dating app for nerds like myself. No one wants to date me; I’ve tried dating apps. No response or a guy is looking just to make a notch on his bedpost.

Last year, I was at the mall and a really hot guy approached me, asked me to a party. I should have seen the red flags, but I wanted to be noticed. He noticed me in a way I didn’t want, just didn’t figure it out until too late. I ended up at a pig party. Yeah, those are real. When I figured it out, I ran out of there so fast. Basically, he thought I was ugly enough to win the prize, whatever it was.

After that, I stopped talking to guys and started focusing on my studies. If I’m not going to have a happy ending in love, might as well have a great career.

I finish the book and set it aside. I look up a few books that were recommended to me and see that they’re available at the local bookstore. I’m not doing anything. Everyone on campus is at the hockey game or partying. Not my style.

I grab my keys and purse to drive myself to the mall. Maybe I’ll stop at the little Greek restaurant on the way back to my apartment. I don’t live on campus anymore; the girls were too mean. I hate to say that. You would think that once you left high school that bullying would be a thing of the past. It’s not. I hated every minute I was in the dorm. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I got my own apartment. It’s mine, but my dad pays for it. It’s in a nice area, and spacious. I come from money, but not even that helped me from getting bullied.

I am a little bigger than most girls. My mom says the weight will come off, but it hasn’t yet. I’m so self-conscious that I work out every day, though I’m not conceited about it. I’m not posting gym selfies just for clout.

I do it because I hate myself.

I park at the far end of the mall, closest to the bookstore. Not many people park down here, which I like.

“Hey Oakley,” Brandon, the store clerk greets me.


“You here for those books I told you about?”

“I am,” I smile at him.

“I have them saved for you.” He gestures to follow him. He’s a good guy, and his boyfriend is nice as well. I guess they’re the only friends I have.

He rings me up, and bags my books.

“Coffee?” he asks.

“Sure,” I reply.

His boyfriend comes from the back room to make our coffees. He works the coffee shop. I love when he makes my iced mochas. They’re so good.

“You didn’t go to the game?”

“No, didn’t feel like it.” I shrug. They’re big hockey fans. When they learned where I grew up, they asked if I knew Rex, Martin, and Everette Maxnioff. I do, unfortunately. Wel, those three aren’t bad. In fact, they’re pretty great. It’s their younger brother that gives me grief. That hot frat guy in the mall—that was their younger brother, Cashel.

I can’t hate him; I don’t have it in me to. I was very hurt by what he did. Growing up we were great friends. He never cared that people said it was weird he was friends with me. We graduated and ended up at the same college, and he changed.

“We need to have a movie night, spa night, what have you.” Brandon’s boyfriend, Lex waves his hands around dramatically.

“Yeah, sure. This weekend?” I never get my nails done unless I’m hanging out with Brandon and Lex.

“It’s a date.” Lex winks and Brandon rolls his eyes.

I give them a wave as I head back to my car. I go to open my door only to have it slammed shut. I turn to see a man with raging eyes. He looks crazy.

“Give me your purse,” he demands. I start to take it off my shoulder only to see the man slammed to the ground. I’m shaking and sink to the ground, wiping tears away. It was all so fast and yet, it felt like a lifetime.

“Oakley?” Brandon kneels in front of me.