Page 216 of Jocks

“Lilli. This is something she would do, thinking it could never come back on her.” I finally spot Keava with one of the football players crowding her into a corner. I can’t tell from here if she knows what is going on or not, but I also know the rumors around that particular football player and his friends. Glancing around the room, I see his two shadows hanging back a way, eyes staring at Keava. “There. In the corner.”

Brax, ever the hothead of the two of us, pushes forward, grabbing Trey and spinning him around. Keava cries out, but Brax is too far into the red zone to hear her. Instead, he throws a punch, hitting Trey’s nose with a loud crunch and a spray of blood. Screams fill the room behind us, mixed with shouts of “Fight! Fight! Fight!”

A part of me wants to stay and help Brax, since I know the douche canoes who follow Trey won’t be long joining into the brawl, but I need to make sure Keava is safe.

“Keava, baby. Come here!” I coax her to take my hand, spinning her so that I am between her and the fight. She giggles, a sound that has an oddly little-girlish quality to it. “Let’s get you away from here.”

Holding her hand in the crook of my arm, I lead her out of the room and out the back door. Once we are outside, she pulls away from me.

“Oh!” She spins, arms out wide as she looks at the sky, “All the pretty diamonds.”

I wish I could see her this relaxed, this happy but without the drugs that are going to have her feeling horrible. I have no clue what they gave her, but either way it will not be fun.

“They are pretty. Do you still like Princess Bride? I haven’t seen it in years and would love to see it with you. Just like old times.”

“Inconcievable!” Is her only response as she continues to spin. Thankfully, when I pull her into my arms and pick her up, she doesn’t fight me.

“Wuv, tru wuv…” Her voice trails off as a delicate snort escapes her.