Page 184 of Jocks

Trick Play 8


IdroppedMagnoliahome just like her dad wanted me to with not a minute to spare. She told me she had fun, that beating my team in touch football was the highlight of her year, and she gloated about it the whole way home.

I didn’t mind.

In fact, I enjoyed the fact that she hasn’t pulled from me and spent the night with me at her side. She also let me hold her hand on the way home, gave me a kiss on the cheek, and thanked me for taking her.

However, it was quickly ruined and turned into a fit of rage when she texted me the moment I got home and jumped out of the shower. Her messages coming in every few seconds, filled with frantic worries and things that her ex, Harrison, sent to her tonight.

MAGNOLIA: Are you sleeping? It’s Magnolia.

ASHER: I know who this is. And no, Mags.

ASHER: Miss me already?

MAGNOLIA: Can you come over?

That was the first inkling that something was wrong. That she’d be asking me back to her house at two in the morning for a booty call.

ASHER: What’s wrong?

MAGNOLIA: It’s Harrison, he won’t stop texting me. He said he has a tape of us, Ash.

My stomach drops to my fucking stomach because there’s only one kind that would make her freak out like this. And I know she didn’t give him permission to record them fucking. However, I still need to ask.

ASHER: What kind of tape?

MAGNOLIA: The bad kind.

ASHER: I’ll be over in a minute. Keep your window open.

It doesn’t take me long to get to her place, running through stop signs and, since there’s no one out at this hour, no traffic. Her window is already semi-open for me to climb through, and I settle myself before heading inside. I don’t want to lose my shit in this situation because I’m pissed that they’ve slept together in the first place. That she dated him.

Heaving myself inside her space, I promptly find her sitting on the side of her bed with her face covered in her palms.

“Mags.” Her hands fall away as she gapes up at me, eyes reddened from crying, and it instantly makes me want to take my ass to Harrison’s house right now and beat his ass. “Baby, what did he do?”

She rocks her head back and forth before I make my way over to her, tucking her chin down into her chest, clearly embarrassed when she doesn’t need to be. Harrison will be dealt with. I will ring his neck for this because I’ve had enough. I will break his knees and he can kiss the same dream that we both share goodbye of an NFL career goodbye from all his threats and whatever else he’s said to her.

Getting in front of her, I drop to my haunches and lay my hands on the side of her thighs. “Magnolia, is he threatening to release it?” She bobs her head and pulls down on her bottom lip with her teeth. “I’m never going to let that happen.”

“How?” Her voice is barely a whisper as another wrecked sob leaves her lips. “I…I didn’t know—” She breaks down into another fit of crying, and I ease my way closer to her, our legs touching as I run my fingers up and down her naked skin.

“Because if anyone even opens it, I’ll fucking kill them,” I promise. “What does he want?”

“Asher,” she begs. “Please don’t.”

“No one is gonna fuck with you when you’re mine, Magnolia. I won’t stand for that shit, and no one is going to disrespect you. Especially not that fucking prick, Harrison.” She runs a tiny hand down the side of her face, visibly beside herself.

“Don’t screw up your football career over this,” she frets, sniffling through her nose. “He’s not worth it. I shouldn’t have texted you. I’m sorry.”

“I would’ve been so pissed if you didn’t,” I counter lightly. “I can fix this.”

“I don’t—” I press the pad of my fingers into her thighs, causing her to be silent and just give in to someone—me—to help.

“I got it.” Rising back to my feet, I make a quick call to Oakley, telling him to check the slew of messages I just sent before I hang up on him. I don’t want to repeat the foul things I have off the tip of my tongue and repeat what Magnolia just told me.