Page 177 of Jocks

Trick Play 6


Afterafullday of working Mrs. Fanta’s food truck of desserts and iced coffees, she finally gave me a break. A donut with brown cinnamon sugar has been calling my name all day, and I’ve kept it well hidden in a white napkin in case we ran out.

Actually, it was held hostage because I never would’ve given it up.

I’m starving, been on my feet for hours while everyone in town has been riding the carnival rides, heading to the game tent. I’m beat and ready for bed. So, sitting along the back bumper of the food truck and risking the dangers of Mrs. Fanta slamming the hard metal door into the back of my head, I eyeball my sugared dessert and take a bite.

The softness of the dough and the instant sweetness of the cinnamon have my eyes closing in pure yummy goodness. It was worth the wait. Mrs. Fanta has been wanting to open a bakery for years but refrained due to self-doubt. However, after much deliberation from our fellow townsfolk when she brought pastries and donuts to church one Sunday, she finally gave into her dream, and it was a major hit today. So much so that she’s run out of food and when I’m finished enjoying my own donut, I’ll help her clean up and probably drop dead at home.

“Damn, Mags, you really know how to sell the product.”

I freeze at that undeniable voice, and this is the second time he’s caught me living within my own little world before swooping in and catching me with my mouthful.

Eyes flying opening, I find Asher leaned up against the corner of the white and blue food truck, hands shoved inside the pockets of his black and white Varsity jacket. His shoulders and wide chest filling out the earned apparel while his full set of lips heave up in an amused smile that he just captured me again.

“We’re all out,” I mutter, taking another bite of my donut at the same moment Asher pushes off the vehicle and strides toward me.

“Not completely.” His long index finger comes out and points at my mouth. “I’ll take what’s off your lips, Burrows.”

My whole face goes up in flames from his words. I don’t know how he does it or comes up with it so quickly, but he can make my whole body melt from just a quick glance and the way his blue eyes smolder into my soul.

I can see how he was able to date so many girls. I mean, not that he was a total man-whore like his friends, but he dated. I couldn’t blame the female population with his Southern charm and the way he looks at you like you’re the only thing he wants to look at. Everything else be damned.

I lick the remaining candied ingredient off my lips as to not give him an opportunity to act on what I know he’s implying. “Oops.”

His smile only grows wider. “You’re evil, Mags.”

“You didn’t come to see Mrs. Fanta earlier,” I reply, lifting my chin higher. It was stupid what we did. I never should’ve done it, but Asher makes me feel free and wild and a whole lot of muddled. I can’t say though that I regret it. He’s given me space all this week at school, has behaved during our tutor sessions and, honestly, I’ve been a little disappointed that he hasn’t tried to make another move.

“Yes, I did,” he retorts softly. “You were making a shit load of those caramel iced coffees for me. Thirteen of them, to be exact.”

“That was you?”

“And the three dozen donuts of any kind, because I didn’t want to be a pain in the ass.” He stands in front of me and peers down at me with amusement that he’s already won this conversation. “And the cheese Danishes later on. Did you need the exact number of those, too, or are you good?”

I slowly shake my head. There were eighteen of them. And not only did he come once, but three times. All three times I didn’t see him because I was too busy with my head down just trying to make Mrs. Fanta’s day as easy as I could. Plus, we’re by a kiddie rollercoaster ride that was loud as all get out.

“So”—he lifts a brow and still doesn’t lose the cocky smirk along his lips—“do I get that kiss now or later?”

I suck in a breath, but exhale with a sprinting heartbeat, “Whenever you want. I never said it expired.”

“Nah, you didn’t.” He leans over and cups my elbow, pulling me to my feet as I fasten my gaze to his.

He’s going to kill me with those crystal blue eyes and the way they look at me like they’re going to suck me in and never let me go.

“Can I finish my donut?” I quickly inquire, because I need to settle my brain into this. And it’s not because I don’t want to kiss Asher, but because with it comes something I know I’m not going to be able to resist.

Harrison is going to get so mad at me. Not that he has any right to be. I still haven’t confronted him about what Asher told me—and I could go the rest of my life not doing that because it’s how much I don’t care. Nonetheless, I don’t want to start anything at school or with his friends. Harrison is just as popular and well-liked in town that I don’t want to deal with the added drama.

“By all means,” Asher quips. “Mountain Dew and donuts. Another way to your heart, Mags.”

“Everyone knows that,” I quickly counter. "I’ve only lived here my whole life.”

“Yeah, but did they set you up at a party in front of everyone and put their whole feelings on the line? Because I did. Then that fuck of a douchebag did it the same night.”

I don’t know if he’s aware, but his whole body locked up and his jaw tensed when he said that. And I feel…awful about it. I didn’t know anything about what he had done until he mentioned it, never saw anything inside the house later that night when I agreed to go on a date with Harrison, and no one ever spilled the beans. I’m not sure if it’s because Asher told them not to or they were too scared of what he might do if they told his little secret. However, it doesn’t make this less of anything but a missed opportunity.