Page 164 of Jocks

Trick Play 3


“Hey,Harrison.”Saidasshole turns away from his friends, mid-smile, with not a care in the fucking world, as my closed fist wails into the side of his head for what he did to Magnolia.

My left follows my right as I connect with his skull next, rendering him shocked as I move down his body.

He fucked with her in a way that would rock her world. School was her jam. My little nerd who likes to paint, learn history, and always had her headphones in her ears as she did both studying and art. Everyone fucking loves her in this school.

And this prick thought it’d be fun to fuck with her life because of me. Because I made it no secret that Magnolia Burrows was mine, even though she was dating Harrison Adams.

Eventually, he’d get bored, or she’d tell him to go fuck himself because they’d never last. They’d never work out. And when the chatter sprung around the school of what Harrison had done and lengths became public, I swear it was why she called it off with him the second time.

Except…headphones. Her being oblivious to everything. She notices nothing while I perceive every move she makes, every person that speaks to her. There’s a fine line that’s drawn where Magnolia Burrows is concerned. Especially when she became single and available to every single one of these motherfuckers.

It wasn’t that they couldn’t date her, they could.

However, I’d fight them for her. If they thought I was going to make it easy for them, they had it wrong. I’ve waited long enough. I literally watch her run away from me.

I didn’t want to push her—then.

Now I do.

I won’t settle until she gets it.

And Harrison is going to get it right now when I hand his fucking ass to him.

“You stupid son of a bitch!” he roars out, leaping for me as his fist connects with my lip. “The fuck is wrong with you?”

He knows; I’m not going to say it.

I just wish I would’ve been aware that she didn’t know about all this before she gave him another chance. I would’ve used that card immediately. But she appeared happy with him, and I felt like a dick to break them up just because I wanted her.

Again, they wouldn’t last, but I wanted her to get there herself.

But now she is, now she’s mine, and currently, Harrison is going to feel the consequences of his fucking petty actions just because she left him and made him look like a fucking idiot.

“Bruh, you’re gonna get suspended from the game,” I hear someone around us say, and I’m not sure if it’s directed at him or me, but probably me.

Harrison is replaceable.

I’m not.

Regardless, this is more important than a game. Magnolia’s honor is at risk, and I’m making it known that no one is going to touch it ever again.

My shirt is yanked back, and my body follows, but I fight against it. I’m not done with Harrison yet, more than likely will never be, because I feel as though I’m only getting started.

I lunge for him a second time, but it’s replaced with long blonde hair that looks like sunshine, a five-foot-four stature of female, and the smell of sugary honey.

My brain immediately registers it as Magnolia Burrows, and it doesn’t take much for my cock to come to life in my jeans. However, my brain also registers irritation at her putting herself in the middle of two football players that take heavy tackles on a daily. One of us could’ve easily hurt her and that would’ve set me off into more of a rage.

“Asher,” she breathes as though she just ran a mile. “What are you doing?”

“Move her,” I order someone, anyone, because—again, I’m not done with Harrison yet.

Someone grabs her, gently guiding her away, but through my blurred fury, I see her cute little ass dragging her feet along the scuffed tiled floors.

“Don’t touch me,” she barks out. “This can’t—”