Page 158 of Jocks

“I did it because you won’t talk to me,” Asher says, and I realize that I must’ve uttered that out loud. “You will straight pivot in the other direction. You actually carefully snuck out of the movie theater when you saw me two weeks ago.”

“You were on a date.”

“Unfortunately.” He tips my chin upward so that I’m fully facing him and he can get a full view of it. “Go on a date with me.”


“Mags…you know how persistent I am.”

I shrug my shoulders. “And you know how stubborn I am. I just broke up with Harrison. I can’t be seen on a date with you. I don’t do that to people.”

His eyes narrow. “Why? He dated you to piss me off. Everyone knows that I like you, Mag. Literally everyone.”

“So, you’re saying that he didn’t like me, and it was about you?” I don’t give him an opportunity to respond to that because I’m shoving him away to allow me a few inches to slip by. Retrieving my things from the table we were studying at, I decide our session is over. He lied about wanting to get a book and trapped me along the aisle like I’m easy to make out with and feel up on.

I’m not dating Asher Clark.

Because he’s conceited, pompous, and an asshole. Three things that I’m not about to give my free time, too. He gets an F for his failed attempt to get me to speak with him.