Page 155 of Jocks

“No, but like I rarely have extra money. That’s why I’m always worried about getting to the dining hall in time. If I don’t make it, I don’t eat.”

Autumn slipped her arms over his shoulders. “I wish I’d known that.”

“The day you brought tacos to the study session I could have kissed you then.”

“If I would have known that I would have brought tacos last week.”

He ran his hand up and down her back. “I was too upset to eat last week.”

“Me too.”

“I figured you’d make a joke about that.”

“I want us to be okay.” He pressed his forehead to hers.

“Me too.”

“You’re seventeen. Turning eighteen when?”

“My birthday’s next month.” Her heart sped.

“I think we should take things slower.”

“You mean not do what we were?” Being here with his arms wrapped around hers, she wouldn’t mind doing what they’d been doing.

“No, we can still do that. But let’s wait until you’re eighteen before we do anything else.” He held her tighter. “Besides I just want to be near you.”

She nodded, tilting her face toward his. “Me too.”

He hugged her tighter. “You don’t know how badly I wanted to talk to you this week.”

“There were so many times I thought about messaging you. I forgot that we weren’t talking.”

“I …” Kolson furrowed his brow.

“What is it?”

“I’ve never said this before … to anyone. I love you.”

Autumn swallowed.

“Was that … too soon?”

They hadn’t been together long, but Autumn felt it too. “I love you too.”

A smile stretched across his face. “That’s a relief.”

She laughed. “You are such a dork sometimes.”

“But you said you loved me. You can’t take that back now.”

“Oh, I’m not.”

He pressed his lips against hers.

When she pulled away, she said. “And anytime you miss the dining hall hours, come to my house. We’ll feed you.”

“You don’t care if I come over,” he asked. “Because you live right down the road, and you never invited me …”

“I wanted to be the one to tell you how old I was. Not my family.”

“I think your brother hates me.”

“I like you and I’m the only one who matters.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him.