Page 154 of Jocks


Autumn’s heart was almost beating out of her chest as she paced the hallway of the dorm. He wasn’t here and she hadn’t expected him yet, but she couldn’t wait. To have to think about this moment all day was torture. Either this would be the start of something, or it could be the closure that they both needed.

She looked up to see him striding down the hall. Her heart sped.

“Hey.” He walked toward her. His hair was damp.

“Hey.” She had no idea how she was speaking through the lump in her throat.

He unlocked the door and pushed it open. “I wasn’t sure if you’d want to talk to me.”

She nodded. It had only been a week since she’d been in this room, but it felt like it’d been forever.

He sat his keys on his desk, his duffle bag on the floor. “I want to show you something.”

“Oh?” That was an odd way to start a ‘do you want to get back together’ conversation.

He dug through his duffle bag and pulled out a paper. It took Autumn a minute to realize what it was. It was the one she helped him with. There, at the very top, was an A.

“That’s awesome.” She was glad something good came out of them being together.

“I couldn’t have done it without you.”

“You’re the one who put in the work.” She smiled, fighting back the tears.

“This week has been …” He shook his head.


He took the paper and sat it on the desk. Then he slowly reached out as if waiting for her to pull away. She didn’t. He wrapped his arms around her. This was exactly what she’d wanted.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered.

She shook her head.

“I didn’t sleep with anyone.”

“I talked to Mackenzie.” Autumn let her cheek fall against his chest, she felt the steady rhythm of his heart.

“I didn’t know what I was missing until I met you. I just want to be near you. Even when you’re roasting me.”

“Me roasting you? You called me a hobbit.” She looked up at him and smiled. Even though what he said made her heart swell, she couldn’t let him go that easily.

“You’re the cutest hobbit I’ve ever seen.” He started to bring his face toward her when he stopped. “Do you think we can get past this?”

She shrugged and thought about pushing away from him, but she didn’t want to. “I can if you can. I am almost eighteen if that bothers you.”

“It doesn’t,” he said.

“I’m not coming here for college next year.” Though she wanted to be with him, she wasn’t going to stay just for him.

“We can figure it out later,” he said.

“I don’t want any more secrets.”

“I have no money,” he said.

“You’re a college student … you’re supposed to be broke,” she laughed.