Page 15 of Jocks

Roll With The Punches 2


Ispentmynight reading up on boxing. I had no idea there was so much that went into it. All the distinct divisions and the training they do. How important it is to manage your weight so as to not mess with your class.

Armed with my new knowledge, I will bet that Shane was a heavyweight. He is too built to be anything smaller.

There were video clips of his fights I could watch online and after my reading and watching him in the ring, I quickly figured out how he became dubbed “The Spider”. That man can move and when he throws punches I’d swear he has more than two arms.

I may have done some digging too, to see if there is any truth in what Evie said. So far, I haven’t found one girl he’s been involved with. No high school sweethearts. No current attractions. Nothing.

The current fight I’m watching his skin is slick with sweat and his shorts are doing nothing to hide his ass.

His jeans didn’t hide anything either.

Curiosity finally gets the best of me, and I pick up my phone, shooting him a message.

Me: are you a heavyweight?

Shane: yup

Shane: what makes you ask?

Me: after our talk this afternoon, I thought I would get a head start learning.

Shane: cool! Any questions I can answer for you, Teach?

Me: how often do you train?

Shane: everyday

Me: whoa! That’s intense.

Shane: eh, I’ve been doing it so long it’s second nature.

Me: did you always want to be a boxer?

Shane: no one’s ever asked me that before.

Shane: yeah, my grandpa loved watching the old fights and I would watch with him. They looked so graceful and tough.

Me: I can see that.

Shane: you got a favorite fighter?

Me: so far? You.

Oh hell, I went there. I’m trying to flirt with him!

Shane: …

Shit. I shouldn’t have said that.

Shane: damn, man. You made me blush.

Me: sorry

I bet he blushes all over. Stop that! You don’t even know if he’s interested.