Page 145 of Jocks

Falling For Autumn 21


Kolsonwasonthe line pregame. He looked up as he shuffled back, turning his hips right, then left. He watched as Ryder held the football as if he were the quarterback. The pigskin went soaring, Kolson caught it, tucked it under his arm, and ran forward. It was his turn to throw to the next guy as they did the drill. Then to the back of the line. Kolson searched the stands. Not only was adrenaline pumping from the game he was about to play, but his girl was sitting in the stands beside his mom, wearing his grey hoodie that said Knights on the front.

Since they’d been back from visiting his house a few weeks ago, they had been fooling around after every study session. Autumn’s bribery with it made him work even harder. She had been freaked out when his roommate walked in when her top was off, but Kolson made sure she was covered. Brendan quickly apologized and left.

Mom nudged Autumn who was looking at her phone then pointed to Kolson. They waved. He wasn’t about to wave and let the coach know he wasn’t paying attention to the pregame warmup, but he did smile. His chest warmed knowing she was watching. Kolson was going to play the best game of his life.

As he thought, Kolson had a great game. He had a quarterback sack, a dozen tackles, and two interceptions. Making it one he was proud they’d come to watch.

At the restaurant where they ate dinner after the game, Mom smiled at him knowingly when Autumn left the table.

“What?” Kolson said.

She put her hand on her chin and said, “Have you said it yet?”

“Said what?”

She laughed. “Said what? You know.”

Kolson shook his head.

“You love her.”

“Mom.” He looked over his shoulder in case Autumn was on her way back.

“Don’t try to deny it,” Mom said, “I know you.”

Did he? Love her? Whatever he felt had been very close to it, even if he didn’t yet. He enjoyed seeing her happy and wanted to spend every second he could with her.

“I haven’t said it.”

“What are you waiting for?”

What if it was too soon? What if she didn’t feel the same? He looked again and Autumn was headed toward them. “Don’t say anything.”

“Sure.” Mom smirked and looked down at her menu.

Autumn slid in beside him. She smiled at him, blinking her hazel eyes. This felt like love.

Since they got back from his house, she’d been all he could think about. When they weren’t together, they were messaging one another. Funny memes or different things about their days. Autumn always asked about his paper, which he was proud to say he finished the final draft and turned it in the day before. He’d never wanted to get an A on more than he did now.

Kolson reached for her hand under the table. Mom could already tell that his feelings were strong. There was no use hiding them.