Page 143 of Jocks

“I’m sure.” Her lips twitched.

He lifted his hand and pushed her hair out of her face, then pressed his lips to her forehead. Every minute spent with her was better. Her smooth legs brushed against his under the covers. He rolled her on her back. He should tell her how he felt. “My Hazel.”

She giggled. “That nickname’s growing on me.”

Kolson leaned down and kissed her.

He had made the right decision bringing her home to meet his mom. Autumn might be the one.

The next morning, Kolson woke to Autumn cuddled against him. He stared at her for a minute. Her eyes closed, her mouth parted, and her hair splayed over the pillow. Before he climbed out of bed, he couldn’t help but kiss her forehead.

He went to the kitchen where his brother sat with a bowl of cereal.

“Hey,” Kolson plucked the milk off the counter where Tanner had left it. Then he poured himself a bowl. Tanner had in earbuds, and he stared at his phone which was propped on its side on the table.

Kolson sat beside him and punched him in the shoulder. He felt bad about the breakup, but that didn’t mean Kolson wasn’t still a brother. Thinking of breakups made him think of Autumn. He hadn’t known her long, but now that he did, he couldn’t imagine life without her.

Tanner pulled out one of his earbuds and glared at Kolson. “What?”

“How you doing?” Kolson took a bite of cereal.

Tanner shrugged, taking a bite of his own breakfast.

“Sorry about your girlfriend.”


“I know I have Autumn here with me, but we can still hang out,” Kolson said.

Tanner lifted a shoulder and brought a spoonful to his mouth. He stopped and said, “She’s pretty.”

“The girl that broke up with you?”

The spoon clanked against the bowl when Tanner put it back without taking a bite. “Yeah, but I was talking about Autumn.”

“She likes to give me a hard time, but somehow I find it adorable.”

After a minute of thought Tanner said, “Sadie’s a bitch. She never wanted me to hang out with my friends and I couldn’t even look at another girl.”

“Sounds like the breakup was a good thing.”


“Did you love her?”

Tanner shook his head. “No, but I liked her a lot and was willing to look past some of the crap. After having a night to sleep on it, I realize it’s better.” Then Tanner tilted his head. “I did have to do my reflecting with earbuds in because of the noise coming from your room.”

Kolson punched him harder this time. He and Autumn didn’t have sex, but he did do things to her that made her squirm. However, she hadn’t been that loud.

“Ouch,” Tanner’s arm flopped limp at his side. “You gave me dead arm.”

“I see you two are back to normal this morning.” Mom trotted in. “Like how neither one of you knows how to put the milk away.”

“I might have more,” the brothers said in unison.

“Jinx.” Kolson turned toward Tanner.

“What are we five?” Tanner reached slapped the end of Kolson’s spoon. It flew out of his bowl sending milk and cereal through the air.