Page 141 of Jocks

Falling For Autumn 20


Thephotosweredragged out before Kolson could finish his first cookie. He was hoping his mom and Autumn would forget about that.

“This was Kolson before the muscle.” Mom pointed the album toward Autumn.

“Oh my gosh,” Autumn giggled. Even though he had rather her not see him at his chubbiest, he liked the smile that spread across her face. He never tired of looking at it. Who knew that out of eight billion smiles in the world there would be one that would make him feel like it was the only one he needed?

“That was when my pastimes were playing video games and drinking soda.” Kolson put a hand to the abs he’d worked hard for.

“Then you got into working out and taking long showers.” Mom nudged Autumn as if she was sharing a joke.

Maybe bringing Autumn home had been a mistake after all. Autumn smirked at him. What did that mean?

“I think it’s time for dinner.” Kolson motioned for the photo book.

“But I’m not done looking at baby Kolson.” Autumn tilted the album.

“Big-boy Kolson is going to starve if we don’t feed him, I’m sure,” Mom chimed. “Even if he did just eat a cookie.”

“See, you get me, Mama.” He leaned against the doorway between the kitchen and living room with his arms crossed.

Mom walked into the kitchen, pinching his cheek as she passed. Autumn walked to him and smiled. “I think you were cute.”

“I was fat.” He put his hands on her hips. Her smile grew when she leaned into him.

“Who’s the one fat shaming now?”

“I don’t think one can fat shame themselves.”

“People do it all the time. That’s how eating disorders develop.” She patted his chest. “By the way you eat, that is clearly not an issue.”

His lips twitched. “Clearly.” What was going to be an issue was being in bed with her tonight. He may have to take one of those long showers before he climbed in beside her.

The door swung open and in walked his brother. For being two years younger, he had a couple inches on Kolson, but Kolson made up for that in muscle. Tanner’s hands were in his pockets and his head down, his floppy hair covered his face.

“Hey Tanner, this is my girlfriend, Autumn.”

“Hey,” Tanner mumbled and walked right by.

“Good to see you, too.” Kolson said as Tanner headed toward his room. He looked at Autumn. “Hates chocolate and moody. I told you I’m the better Tackett brother.”

“Tanner, dinner’s ready,” Mom shouted, but Tanner only grunted before he disappeared into his room.

After dinner, Kolson led Autumn to his room, where she rooted through her bag for pajamas. He couldn’t help but picture something sexy, but then realized that would be torture since he was letting her set the pace and she hadn’t seemed ready for anything more than over the clothes touching while they were making out.

She stood there with her pajamas in hand, looking at him as if waiting on him to leave. He didn’t know why he thought it wasn’t a big deal.

“I’ll be right out …” he pointed toward the door. Though he really wanted to stay and watch, Kolson walked out of his room and down the hall. Tanner was in the kitchen.

“What’s your deal?” Kolson leaned against the counter, crossed his arms.

Tanner glared at him.

“Tanner’s girlfriend broke up with him today,” Mom said.

“Mom,” Tanner snapped.