Page 139 of Jocks

Falling For Autumn 19


Autumnlovedhowwhen she teased Kolson, he would smirk and laugh. Most guys got sore when someone said anything negative about them. But Kolson took it. Knowing her love language was sarcasm. Wait. Did she just think that?Love. Her heart sped. If this wasn’t love yet, it was something similar. She looked over at him and he smiled his dimpled smile as he put the truck in park.

“Here we are.” He motioned to his house. It was one story. White. The porch was filled with flowerpots. The slow chime coming from the windchimes made the place feel even cozier than it looked.

“Kolson Drew, I raised you better than that.” The voice made Autumn’s stomach drop. There she was. Kolson’s mom. She stood in the middle of her porch with both hands on her hips. Her hair was sandy-blonde, like Kolson’s. She had it styled in a short bob. She wore jeans and a flannel. She smiled at Autumn. “He knows he should open the door for you.”

Autumn felt her face flush. “That’s okay.”

“It’s not. I raised him to be a gentleman.”

Autumn should tell her that he usually did hold the door open for her.

“Mom.” Kolson sounded both exasperated and happy. He grabbed Autumn’s bag out of the back before she had the chance. Normally Autumn would have insisted she carry it herself, but she wanted to make his mom happy.

As they approached, Kolson leaned into his mom for hug, but with his bag and Autumn’s he didn’t have arms free to return the embrace. “Mom, this is Autumn. Autumn, this is my mom, Trena.”

“I figured.” Trena let go of Kolson and wrapped her arms around Autumn. Autumn’s family were not huggers. Autumn wasn’t a hugger, definitely not to people she didn’t know. Only Kolson, really. She could hug him all day. She hoped she didn’t offend Trena when she stiffened. “It’s great to meet you, I’ve heard so much about you.”

“You too,” Autumn said.

Trena motioned toward the door. “Are you thirsty? Hungry? Do you need anything?”

“We just got here.” The bags hung from Kolson’s arms.

“But you’ve been in the car for a while.”

“Barely an hour,” Kolson said.

“I made your favorite cookies.”

“At least let us put our stuff away first.” Kolson tilted his head and lifted the bags.

“Alright, get settled, then I’ll show you embarrassing pictures.” She turned toward Autumn.

“Mom.” Kolson started down the hall. Autumn laughed and followed.

His mom was sweet. Autumn could see why Kolson thought so highly of her.

“There’s the bathroom.” Kolson pointed toward a door on one side of the hall, “Sorry, we only have one. You’ll have to fight my brother for it.”


The hall walls were filled with random pictures. Football, band, family.

There was even one of two boys in overalls. One very chubby the other all skin and bones. That had to be Kolson and Tanner.

“Tanner’s room. Of course, he’s right across the hall from the bathroom.” Kolson pointed at Tanner's door. Then kept walking until they were at the end of the hall.

“And this is mine.” He opened the remaining door. “Where we’ll be staying.”

His room was clean. Much cleaner than Preston’s. Of course, Kolson wasn’t actively living in it. There was a dresser and a shelf that contained an array of trophies. Plaques and medals covered the walls.

He tossed their bags on his bed.

“We’re both sleeping here?” Even though Autumn hoped for it, she was nervous. What if she drooled? What if he wanted to do more than she was ready?