Page 138 of Jocks

“Yeah, my mom and Tanner.”

“He’s cute.” She smirked and looked at Kolson to see what he’d say. “You can tell you’re brothers.”

Kolson laughed. “Maybe I shouldn’t take you home.”

Autumn had been setting the photo down when she whipped her face toward him. “You want to take me home?”

He ran a hand over the back of his head. “Maybe not now that my brother could steal you.”

Here she was wondering if he even wanted to be her boyfriend, let alone take her home to meet his mom and brother. His family meant a lot to him.

“My mom wants to meet you.” He shrugged.

“Your mom knows about me?”

He cleared his throat and looked at the ground. “Your parents know about me.”

“Yeah, but that’s because they met you.” She glanced at the picture again as she sat on the edge of the bed.

“I’m sure taking you to see my brother would be a bad idea.”

She giggled. “I was looking at you.”

“Oh yeah?” The mattress dipped when Kolson sat beside her. He draped his arm over her like it was something he’d done a million times.

“I was wondering how the big head fits in your helmet.”

“You’re hot when you’re roasting me.” He leaned his face toward hers.

She felt her cheeks warm. “I don’t think I’ve ever been referred to as hot before.”

“I’m sure you’ve been told you’re beautiful.”

Did he just call her beautiful? “Yeah, my mom and dad tell me that all the time.” She reached for her backpack. “We better get something done or we’ll have to go back to using the library.”

“What do you think about going home with me for the weekend?” Kolson asked as she pulled out her laptop.

“Oh …” Her heart sped. She definitely would like that. “I don’t know.”

“Ouch, that kind of hurts.”

“No, I mean yes, I want to, but ...” A confession about her real age was on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn’t bring herself to say it. Now she looked silly for waiting this long. “I’d love to.” She knew that if she asked Mom first and she said yes that Dad wouldn’t have a say.

He tightened his arms around her.

She turned and put her hand on his chest. “We need to get to work.”

His smile turned sideways. “I need a kiss first.”

“Is that coercion?”

“Only if you don’t want to kiss me.” His mouth was close.

“I want to.” Her heart hammered with anticipation. “But then we have to get to work.” She put her finger to his mouth before it could land on hers.